Tuesday, 7 May 2013


So today we had our first 2 exams, english and chinese.
I probably did badly. But whatever, they're over, so now let's focus on biology.
So other than the exams nothing much happened today besides the exams.

I have a question for you people. If I have a rod 1 light minute long, and I'm holding on to one end, and there's a guy superglued to the other end, and I rotate the rod around me by 90 degrees in 1 second, what will happen to the rod? How will the whole set up appear to me and the guy at the other end? Assume that the rod, me and the other guy have no mass. If you have any idea please leave your answers in the comments section.
That awkward moment when you feel like leaving a 2 dollar note in the chinese paper...

1 comment:

  1. Honestly, I doubt it's possible. Because if you're turning the rod around you 90 degrees in a second. The other end of the rod would have to move at (tau/4) light min/s which would be:

    (tau/4) c*min/s
    =(tau/4) c*60
    =15tau c.

    That's 15 tau times the speed of light! Hence, not possible.

    Actually I'm not that good in physics. I don't even know where you're doing this thought experiment on - on Earth? Moon? - hence that probably makes a difference.

    You could put this up on Yahoo answers or something. Good luck!
