Friday, 28 September 2012

Goodbye June. Have a good time in Korea. Whichever Korea you're going to.
Astronomy was ok.
We had this interesting biology practical today. The teacher was teaching us about sexually transmitted illnesses and to show us how they spread, she gave everyone a tube full of solution that was supposed to be "bodily fluids". Then we had to mix the "bodily fluids" with 4 other people, and then see who had gotten the illness. Turns out Favian was the infected one.

Monday, 24 September 2012

PE tomorrow. I don't want to.
Not sure what will happen tomorrow. Maybe presents? I hope so.
Still doing post production essay.
June's leaving. Permanently. I would like to say that it was an interesting 2 years with her, but I really won't remember anything significant about her other than the fact that she was extremely hyperactive, disliked me, and was the subject (and maker of) many jokes. We might remember you. Or maybe we won't. Say hi to Sumin for me, ok?

Sunday, 23 September 2012

So Vettel has won! Good for him! As usual, we have the safety cars, people flying, and a whole bunch of thingymajigs used to be parts of cars flying around also.
Hamilton screwed up his gearbox. Unlucky day for him, I guess.
So I'm playing Pokemon again. Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Darkness. And then they said my aura was an aqua blue... and gave me a Torchic. Well, that was interesting.
I'm not sure when we have to finish the post production essay. I don't have much to write about though. My mom said that I was saying something about green marshmallows when I woke up this morning. Green marshmallows. Wow. My dreams are f***ed up.

And it's mostly 9gag stuff on my Facebook newsfeed. And the occasional potato. By June. What, thought it was someone else?
And in other news, MY BIRTHDAY''S THE NEXT TUESDAY YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY I'M GOING TO BE 14 SOON. On second thoughts, that doesn't seem like a good thing at all.
Some year 1 mistook me for a year 1. Do I really look that young?
You do know who I'm talkign about right, Yue Xin? I forgot her name. :P
And about that Muslim Rage thingy that's giving almost everyone in the White House headaches. I do think the people protesting have a point, but they shouldn't blame the US for a video criticising their God just because that video was made in the USA. They should just be angry at the person who made the video, and not the country as a whole. Not everyone in the USA has the same views as those in the video. I say calm down, and let's forgive. Although killing the ambassador to Libya was a very bad thing to do. He was a good person.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

The big day. It actually went quite well. The slides worked, the audio worked, we didn't stall for too long, everyone knew what to do and I guess we'll pass.
I'd say that our performance type was minimalist. We didn't use any makeup at all, which seemed to be a good thing in hindsight, as according to what I heard most people had to change their makeup and then the next scene began. Chong Wen did really well. He played the audio and the slides together. Most of the other groups seemed to have problems. "If you bring a Mac for a presentation, you're going to have a bad time." Yueze did start a bit too early in one of the scenes, but we handled it well enough. Even if Jovan had to shoot at the air.
At least Benjamin had a dress, which made it easier to see who was Emily and who was Victoria. Favian did a good job too. In fact, Benjamin scared the s*** out of a bunch of people who thought he was a girl.
Estimated marks: Worst case scenario 65-90, best case scenario 91-110

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Tomorrow is our graded assessment. Oh dear.
Benjamin is not taking kindly to being forced to cross-dress. Nobody is. Why did one group get all the girls in the class? That's unfair. And we don't have a wig, so we came up with an interesting explanation for that. The sound files are massive, the slides are low resolution, the props are tiny and the costumes are the only thing that we probably have in excess.
In other news, my brain went gpwjifoeiwjfipewjfz and made me take the wrong bus. Then I had to walk all the way home. I have no idea why, but the bus looked so much like the one I usually take that I was fooled. Probably need more coffee. Am running out of coffee.
Am I really that bad a director? I know Benjamin and Favian fool around all the time. I can't really do much about that.
He/she/it's so cute! Cats everywhere! :D
Cats everywhere? Dear god, no. Please. And I like going to the dentist.

Friday, 14 September 2012

We had pizza today. I knew it was a good idea to skip dinner! But this will be the last time the year 6s will be having CCA. After this, they'll have to study for their exams. And after that, they'll graduate. Good luck.
Someone did a good job of redecorating the notice board. They covered the damn thing with chinese newspapers. And the notice board is huge. Apparently according to Jovan; June, Nicholas, Benjamin, Celine, Favian, Javier and Chong Wen were involved. At least that's what Jovan says. He could be wrong. I don't know. Oh well. I hope they clean it up, or every single teacher that comes into our class is probably going to drop dead immediately. Although you have to admire them for their creativity. And saying, "Screw what the teachers think."

I did ok for my chemistry test. I did screw up at the observation bit, because I wrote down chlorine gas and aluminum metal. Darn. Medical history presentation was alright.

I got some new colour pens! And they're nice! :D

Thursday, 13 September 2012

So apparently the president was in our school today. Didn't see him. Although I would have preferred the Royal Couple. In fact, I'd probably celebrate if Kate was really pregnant. :P
And the bio mindmap is taking quite a while. But at least the pens are fine enough to write the tiny words.
So the IH presentation went well. And I have to collect all my members' rehearsal logs. Some more last minute stuff. And after IH the math teacher didn't come for 1/2 hours, so the class was pretty noisy and stuff was happening. Such as a lot of people yelling, "Ermagherd, perterters!" I have no idea how that came about, but now it's catching on.

And our class is getting rather dirty. If the english teacher came in he'd probably get a heart attack. You really need to see it to get a sense of how bad it is.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

E learning was yesterday. Spent most of the time on Facebook, as expected.
I'm not sure. What do you want to see on this blog anyway? And we had student council thingy. Quite a lot of people are voting for that Julian guy. I really need to find some colour pens for my mind map. But they're rather expensive. And we have to present on the Singapore budget tomorrow for IH. And the humanities and arts and computer sciences registration. I think I'll take geography as my first choice, and economics second.

Monday, 10 September 2012

First day of the last term of the last semester of this year. Which means the exams are coming. Had a House Meeting today. Was rather short, but it seems that the house will be holding a barbeque next Friday for those who signed up. I did. Free dinner, and I have astronomy, so I don't have to go outside of school.

We have E-learning tomorrow. I guess it'll be like the ones before, which means spending a lot of time on Facebook and playing games during recess and lunch. The teachers are starting to give us revision worksheets. And I can't find my year 1 chemistry notes. Bother. And we had an english summative today. I wrote about this big dog in the hospital. And how a guy beat it up using his broken arm, which was in a cast.
My imagination amazes even me at times.
So I guess that's about it.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

So here's the first part of my story.

Dragons and jetpacks
A SHORT STORY BY Khoo Wui Seng, M12206
Chapter 1
There was once a world called Asjrib. Asjrib was a lot like Earth, with mountains, deserts, seas, rainforests and weather systems. It had an abundance of rare “Earth” metals (since we’re not talking about Earth anymore), and a lot of valuable metals and minerals, being right in the middle of a star rich nebula where massive supernovae had occurred billions of years ago. The supernovae had pushed many elements together, orbiting around a star. Eventually the elements formed into a rocky ball that eventually became Asjrib. Asjrib had two natural satellites, in a solar system that consisted of twenty planets.
Ajrib was a peaceful world, far removed from the times when wars broke out almost every ten years, and weapons of such destructive capability had been developed that not many leaders chose to use them. That had been a long time ago. Not many people remembered those times, and those that did tried their best to forget them.
After the wars, the people had come together. They promised not to ever fight again, and to solve their issues peacefully. Advances in technology occurred that greatly improved the people’s lives. Now, robots helped people with their daily chores, and people rarely went to offices to work, as they could work from the comfort of their high rise apartments. Electric cars plied the highways, and massive airships ferried passengers and goods across the world. Also, almost everyone had a jetpack. The jetpack was basically two extremely small jet engines attached together, and they ran on an extremely volatile fuel, which allowed them to run for at least 10 hours at a time, before being refuelled. Of course, dropping it was not a good idea.
Chapter 2
Now, there was this boy by the name of Quincy McFlannigan, who lived in the Aplewican mountain range with his family of 2 sisters and their parents. Phil lived in a tiny village, on the side of a mountain. It was rather accessible, and most people got there by the cable car or the train. Quincy had a jetpack, which he would often use for quick trips to school or to explore the caves around the mountains.
One day, Quincy went exploring as usual. He took his jetpack out, and started it up. He flew around the mountains, looking for any caves that he hadn’t spotted before. Then he realised that the sky was getting darker. Apparently a snowstorm was brewing. He thought he had better get back to his house before he got caught in it, and froze to death. He quickly set a course for home, but the storm was faster. Soon he was trying to avoid the majority of hail that was fast approaching. Seeing no other option, he quickly landed near the mouth of a cave, and went in.
Chapter 3
Inside the cave, it was rather dark. Quincy used the torchlight in the safety kit to light up the place. It went into the mountain for quite a distance. Quincy decided to stay at the mouth. Outside, the snowstorm had turned into a blizzard. His parents must be worried, he thought. But in this weather, there wasn’t much that they could do, other than pray that he was safe.
Inside the cave, he found plenty of wood. He wasn’t sure how they had gotten in, but he was glad that they could be burned and provide heat. Underneath the pile of wood, he found a gun, made of brass. It had s series of interlocking gears, a key that could be wound up, and a knob that could be turned so that it pointed towards any of 3 settings, “Stun”, “Pierce” and “Vaporize”. There was also an odd looking wand, with a button on it. Quincy wasn’t quite sure how to use any sort of weapon, so he put it aside for the moment and started thinking about how long the blizzard would last.
There had been several major blizzards since his family had moved here. They often lasted for days. He could only hope that the food in the emergency kit lasted long enough for someone to reach him.
Chapter 4
Just then, a distant rumbling came from inside the cave. Quincy was startled, turned around, and looked. Nothing there. Then heavy footfalls, and the sound of pebbles tumbling down a steep slope. The “clink, clink” of something that was now climbing up, towards him.
What came out was something that looked nothing like a dragon, to say the least. It closely resembled a massive tuatara (if you don’t know what that is, look it up), but instead of skin, it had a moving, almost chainmail like texture, composed of individual pieces of something that could have been cobalt, only darker. Two big, green eyes stared at Quincy. Then a huge, gaping mouth, full of neatly arranged rows of teeth, opened up, and it appeared that the inside of the dragon was on fire, with a green flame that hissed and threw off sparks even better than Quincy’s own fireworks.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” Quincy screamed. There was no other way to describe it.
The dragon merely blinked, and looked at Quincy in interest. A low rumbling came out. The dragon moved closer to Quincy. It took a sniff at him, seeing if he was food. Then it decided that he was not.
Chapter 5
Then something happened. A voice that sounded remarkably like that of a young girl’s popped up in his head and said “A human! Cool! I’ve never seen one of them before! Mom used to say that they were tiny. But you, you’re so cute!”
Quincy wasn’t sure how to reply.
“Aww…You don’t need to. Gosh, what’s it like outside? I’ve never been there before!”
“Erm…Rather cold, snows all the time, lots of people?” Quincy said that out loud, since he hadn’t mastered telepathy yet.
“That sounds cool! What’s snow?”
“That white thing that’s falling outside.”
“Cool! Can we go outside now?”
“No, because right now the outside is incredibly cold, so if you go out now you’ll probably freeze.”
“Oh. Ok.”
The dragon walked over to where Quincy was, and lay down, tucking its legs underneath its body.
“Is there going to be enough time for me to take a nap?”
“I guess so.”
An enormous rumbling seemed to fill the air. Quincy almost thought there had been an avalanche, but it was just the dragon snoring.
RRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…RRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrr…Eventually the dragon’s snoring made Quincy sleepy. He thought he should take a short nap too, since there wasn’t much he could do in a blizzard. And anyway, the sides of the dragon were warm.
Chapter 6
Quincy woke up to see that the blizzard was thinning out. He had probably slept longer than usual, helped by the fact that the dragon’s body was warm and made for a comforting nap.
“Can we go out now?”
“Not yet. We still have to wait until—Eep! That was scary. Sounded like I was hearing echoes of myself.”
”Yay! You can finally talk with me!”
“Still feels kinda funny.”
“Don’t worry, I’m sure it’ll pass. So, what’s your name?”
“Quincy. Quincy McFlannigan.”
“Hey, that sounds kind of cute!”
Quincy felt something pressing against his head, even though there was nothing there.
“Oh, just me. Could you let me in?”
“How am I supposed to do that?”
“I’m not sure. Mom didn’t really teach me. Just relax, okay?”
Quincy relaxed. And suddenly he felt that there was something inside his head, walking around it.
“Ooh...That’s so cool! There’s this, and that, and—“
There was a sharp pain in his head, and the taste of his mum’s roasted chicken.
“Oops! Sorry. Didn’t mean to do that. (But it looked kinda tasty.)”
“That was my mum’s roast chicken.”
“Now, that sounds tasty. What’s a chicken?”
Some more walking about.
“Oh...That. Seems kinda weird why you can’t just eat it. It grows from an egg?! Hey! That’s just like me! Well, at least mum said I came from an egg. I don’t remember much about my birth.”
“Me neither.”
“So...Can we go out now?”
Quincy looked outside. The blizzard had stopped.
“I suppose so. You want to come over to my house? I’m sure my sisters will be excited to meet you.”
“Yay! What’s a sister?”
This continued all the way to Quincy’s house. It was relatively easy going, with Quincy showing the way with his jetpack and melting any snow that got in her way.
Chapter 7
Quincy’s family reacted extremely well to the inclusion of a fire-breathing dragon in their household. “She can have her room in the garage.” His mum said. “Aww...But mum, can’t she sleep with us?” Quincy’s sisters pleaded. “No! The floor’s probably going to collapse if we let her sleep with you.”
And so the matter was settled. For something her size she ate rather less than expected, which led to Quincy’s parents heaving huge sighs of relief. She also gave the sisters piggyback rides, which they loved. It was rather difficult to get them off.
Quincy also set about the difficult task of making his dragon a set of jetpacks that she could wear on her feet so that she could fly about. Getting her weight wasn’t easy (she broke most of the industrial scales he used) but eventually he got the measurements. It was also during the building process that he found out one of the more important bit of information about her.
“So, do you have a name?”
“My mum used to call me darling. Is that good enough?”
“No, that won’t do. You have any ideas for names?”
“Well, how about Zanina?”
“Ooh! That sounds neat! Could you call me Zanina from now on?”
“Sure, Zanina.”
Finished my level C. Yay! Drawing a mindmap is incredibly difficult. But I managed to finish my story! :D I'll probably show it to my friends after the school holidays.

Playing Minecraft on the Xbox. Quite fun, even though it is an older version. Hope an update comes out soon.

Monday, 3 September 2012

The official start of the school holidays.

So this friend of mine asked him to drink 1.5 litres of salt water for an experiment. And I agreed.
And now whenever I think of salt...urgh. Never going to do that again.
So I'm still doing my english, and writing a story for Da Vinci. Can't quite tell you all about it though, because I haven't really planned it out.