So today we had assembly where they taught us how to draw funny faces. And then Jeremy was pretty much saying stuff out loud that had something to do with copyright and the presenter was getting rather annoyed. I suppose anyone would be. Unless they happen to have spent almost 3 years with him, which is unfortunately the case for me. But at least I'm used to him. He's not as annoying as Shiqi. Heck, I'd rather have him replace Shiqi. At least he knows what's happening. And also because he's much easier to quieten down. I think. He mostly just looks at his phone or computer.
Also, it appears Yi Jun has lost his wallet. It's black with orange words on it. No, I haven't stolen it, if you find it please return it to him. Unless you're a horrible person. Then give it to Jeff. He'll know what to do. Marine biology presentation tomorrow. Javier only just sent the slides. Hope it goes well. Like my new phone. The bottom bar can give out any colour.
You dont want jeremy in your class. ever.