Tuesday, 29 October 2013


So the biology paper was alright. Although I did take longer to finish it. Had only about 10 minutes left to fill in the blanks and check my answers. Hope I don't fail.
I really don't want to do badly because I feel it'll be bad for Ms. Fong. D:
Anyway it's the math exam tomorrow and right now I am currently revising. I seem to be ok with the formulas and stuff. Or maybe I'm not. Oh well we'll see tomorrow. And after math we'll have physics, then my exams will be over, then I'll just read books. Because it's been a while since I've read a thick one. OH YES AND THE DAY OF THE DOCTOR!

Flatbread has a weird texture. It's a bit of pizza and a bit of bread but it's also stretchy like cheese. And to quote Chong Wen, "It's funny how people refuse to eat food that's been on the floor and yet some of them still allow other people to put body parts in their mouth."
I probably must've said something about giving up your penis in exchange for a blowjob or something. No really, it was related to the discussion we were having. Although it probably wasn't very nice of me to talk that loud. You can ignore this bit if you want to. Actually just ignore this bit and we'll all pretend this isn't here.

Monday, 28 October 2013


Chemistry paper was alright. Biology paper is tomorrow. Still revising.

Saturday, 26 October 2013


Still studying. It's mostly chemistry because that's on Monday, but there's still 3 other subjects. Oh well, at least it all ends on Thursday. Unless you have 3rd language. There really isn't much for me to put down here, is there?

Wednesday, 23 October 2013


Reading days today and tomorrow. More time to revise. Anyways I'm wearing batter gear. Time to make some pancakes.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013


English and chinese exams were alright. However, I did accidentally include a paradox in one of my answers. Hope that isn't too bad. Anyway we still haven't quite decided on what the whole class is doing after the holidays. Most people are suggesting a chalet. I don't really know. However I suppose we could record ourselves playing computer games. That would be interesting. Had pasta for lunch today with friends. It was ok. Macarons are the tastiest things ever. It's a shame they're so expensive. $2 for something so small. I should probably learn the recipe, to stop bankrupting myself. Anyway, good luck to the people reading this who are having their exams. Hope you do well.

Thursday, 17 October 2013


Tomorrow's a Friday. Yay. Although we still have PE, which is rather annoying. Class Whatsapp chat has been filled with extremely disturbing stuff. Such as penis babies emerging from Yi Jun. Yeah. Anyway it's somewhat fun to read, although it is rather weird. Exams are next week. Hope I revised well enough. English file check tomorrow. I should have included everything, it's probably just not in the right order. Oh well I'll sort that out tomorrow. Damn there's hardly anything on the Internet I can read these days besides even more Scandinavian crime fiction. Which is terribly good. At least in my opinion. I just wish the authors would be kinder to their main characters.
Can't quite think of anything much to say right now. Looked around a bit. I wonder if my blog posts are a bit short? I don't know really. It's probably something to do with the font.

Sunday, 13 October 2013


OH MY GOD JO NESBO YOU BASTARD WHY'D YOU BRING BACK HARRY I THOUGHT HE WAS DEAD BUT NO YOU HAD TO MAKE HIM SURVIVE AND NOW I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO RIGHT NOW. I'm actually glad he's back though. Been a while since I read some more Norwegian crime fiction.

Anyway nothing new today. Holiday on Tuesday. Whoopee.

Friday, 11 October 2013


So today we had the Faraday barbeque and we also had pizza. I didn't actually go to the barbeque since I felt the pizza tasted better. Had 3 slices. And a lot of soft drinks. They ordered 20 pizzas, which is quite a lot. We're learning volleyball for PE. It hurts my arms. Also had a rather interesting discussion about whether or not it is still rape if the person decides he/she (yes, men can be raped as well) consents to it halfway through. Halloween decorations are up in our class. Rather nice. Teachers are disturbed by the fact that I have to use a sword to turn on the projector.

Monday, 7 October 2013


Marine biology field trip was alright. Found the scenery quite nice. Took a lot of pictures. The boat had air conditioning too. Saw quite a lot of interesting stuff. The only problem was that I got home a bit late. Oh well. Anyway, it was quite fun, if you could ignore the mosquitos. Also, the night sky was quite good. Venus was bright.

Saturday, 5 October 2013


Damn that double kidney transplant took off about 5 years of my life. That was the most stressful thing ever. Anyway we are finally getting pizza next week. Hooray! Also, sky was extremely good tonight. Took some good photos of M6 and M7.

Thursday, 3 October 2013


Did I mention it's October?
Yes u did.
Oh ok then. Anyway I'm doing physics assignment. Which is taking a while because the questions are tedious. But it's alright. Astronomy tomorrow. Still no pizza unfortunately, we're getting that after the holidays. Overnight is also after the holidays :( Hope the sky clears up tomorrow. PE tomorrow as well. Ooh yes english debate went quite well actually. They said it was good. Didn't mess up or stall for a long time. Also managed to say all the points. I liked my points. Graphing calculator is currently charging. Was on low battery for the past few days. Should be fully charged tomorrow.

Also, it rained quite heavily when I was going home today. Shoes are wet. Bag is wet. Nothing a hairdryer can't fix though. As long as it doesn't catch on fire.
Oh majestic and glorious jacket, I would be so helpless without you. You're my only protection from the elements.
Also, classmate brought an electric guitar to school today. Unfortunately couldn't plug it into the wall socket. Didn't have the adapter. Dammit it would have been fun.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013


End of September. Had math test today. Was rather easy but I did mess up a question. Gave the wrong answer but the right one was in the working. Hopefully that counts. Didn't go for english debate today, which is a good thing since we aren't ready yet.
Marine biology presentations today. Wonder how it'll be like. There is also a biology quiz tomorrow, which is apparently difficult. Better start revising.
WITH TEACHERS LIKE MS. FONG, WHO NEEDS REVISING? Ok, that might just be the best last words ever.
 I really wish you'd stop doing that. It makes quite a mess. Anyway I'm still revising.

And here we have possibly the best video of a person sleeping. Ever. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIud6vmE9mk&feature=c4-overview&list=UU8giP9uQROI3Xl85y9uY8xg
Not you silly.
I am rather annoyed I didn't get much marks for my marine biology poster. I spent quite a lot of time on that thing. Or maybe the teacher forgot to open it up. It's bigger on the inside.
 I've always wondered how they found the residual volume of the lungs.


So right now we're having english debate. Had a mix up about the venues. English teacher spent about 10 minutes scolding us for that. The motion right now is schools should have more discipline or something like that. Opposition speaker right now has stopped. Probably thinking of something to say. This will take a while.

He's rebutting the proposition now. And he just finished. Second proposition speaker is on now. And he just finished. Sorry I can't quite write down what they're saying.

Second opposition speaker is on now. He gave an example like most schools have rules just to maintain their reputation. And also some students misbehave due to bad families and not poor school rules. And he just ended.

Third proposition speaker is on now. He's summarising the points. And he just finished. Third opposition speaker is on now. He's having a bit of difficulty finding points apparently. Oh well. He's back on now. Giving examples. Discipline is a consequence of a student's behaviour. Everyone is responsible for their own actions. He's trying quite hard. Although everyone is laughing. And he just finished.

Nothing much happened yesterday of interest. Or I can't think of anything now.

Not much happened yesterday.