Tuesday, 29 October 2013


So the biology paper was alright. Although I did take longer to finish it. Had only about 10 minutes left to fill in the blanks and check my answers. Hope I don't fail.
I really don't want to do badly because I feel it'll be bad for Ms. Fong. D:
Anyway it's the math exam tomorrow and right now I am currently revising. I seem to be ok with the formulas and stuff. Or maybe I'm not. Oh well we'll see tomorrow. And after math we'll have physics, then my exams will be over, then I'll just read books. Because it's been a while since I've read a thick one. OH YES AND THE DAY OF THE DOCTOR!

Flatbread has a weird texture. It's a bit of pizza and a bit of bread but it's also stretchy like cheese. And to quote Chong Wen, "It's funny how people refuse to eat food that's been on the floor and yet some of them still allow other people to put body parts in their mouth."
I probably must've said something about giving up your penis in exchange for a blowjob or something. No really, it was related to the discussion we were having. Although it probably wasn't very nice of me to talk that loud. You can ignore this bit if you want to. Actually just ignore this bit and we'll all pretend this isn't here.

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