So right now we're having english debate. Had a mix up about the venues. English teacher spent about 10 minutes scolding us for that. The motion right now is schools should have more discipline or something like that. Opposition speaker right now has stopped. Probably thinking of something to say. This will take a while.
He's rebutting the proposition now. And he just finished. Second proposition speaker is on now. And he just finished. Sorry I can't quite write down what they're saying.
Second opposition speaker is on now. He gave an example like most schools have rules just to maintain their reputation. And also some students misbehave due to bad families and not poor school rules. And he just ended.
Third proposition speaker is on now. He's summarising the points. And he just finished. Third opposition speaker is on now. He's having a bit of difficulty finding points apparently. Oh well. He's back on now. Giving examples. Discipline is a consequence of a student's behaviour. Everyone is responsible for their own actions. He's trying quite hard. Although everyone is laughing. And he just finished.
Nothing much happened yesterday of interest. Or I can't think of anything now.
Not much happened yesterday.
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