Teachers' Day Celebration was nice. Although having snacks in the morning isn't. They're burning incense below. Quite a strong smell. We had a game where you had to guess the teacher from a set of photos, and then we went to Jovan's house for the IH project. Basically what we have to do is to interview a parent and ask them to give you opinions about the budget. Went quite well. I rather like Jovan's house. It's big. And then after that I played chess with Zhen Jie. He said that I took forever to make my move. Most people do that. And then I ended up almost winning. Almost because I had to go home.
I really have no idea what to write for the short story. But it'll have something to do with dragons.
Stuff that goes on in school, and anything else I think of. (Chatboxes are for wimps. Please leave comments instead.) Have fun reading.
Friday, 31 August 2012
Thursday, 30 August 2012
Sports Day.
FAIL TO LIGHT THE CAULDRON! Well, that was unexpected. Oh well.
RUN! Faraday was rather ok. I wonder if there is such a thing as "rather ok".
DRINK SOME 100 PLUS! The 100 plus was in 1 huge tank, and they scooped it out.
AIEE AIE AI I'M A LITTLE BUTTERFLY! I have no idea why June said that. Or why it's so funny.
OPPA GANGNAM STYLE! Heeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyy sexy ladeeehhh...
PLAY SOME GAMES! It got boring, so I played on a friend''s phone.
LIGHTNING ALERT! Happens every time. We're going into the rainy season.
FINISH 2ND! A marked improvement from last year. At least that's what I think.
EAT KFC! With some friends, of course.
GET >9000 COMMENTS! Like seriously, you're making me really jealous.
The school holidays are starting. And we have to draw mindmaps for biology. And we have a teachers' day celebration tomorrow. Yay. No more lessons. I think we will be having a party.
Sports Day.
FAIL TO LIGHT THE CAULDRON! Well, that was unexpected. Oh well.
RUN! Faraday was rather ok. I wonder if there is such a thing as "rather ok".
DRINK SOME 100 PLUS! The 100 plus was in 1 huge tank, and they scooped it out.
AIEE AIE AI I'M A LITTLE BUTTERFLY! I have no idea why June said that. Or why it's so funny.
OPPA GANGNAM STYLE! Heeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyy sexy ladeeehhh...
PLAY SOME GAMES! It got boring, so I played on a friend''s phone.
LIGHTNING ALERT! Happens every time. We're going into the rainy season.
FINISH 2ND! A marked improvement from last year. At least that's what I think.
EAT KFC! With some friends, of course.
GET >9000 COMMENTS! Like seriously, you're making me really jealous.
The school holidays are starting. And we have to draw mindmaps for biology. And we have a teachers' day celebration tomorrow. Yay. No more lessons. I think we will be having a party.
Wednesday, 29 August 2012
Sports Day tomorrow. Its supposed to build house spirit, etc. As if that's going to work. So we tried rehearsing today, and managed to do the dance moves, and now I'm editing the sound files for or scene.
Had sexual education today, which was rather entertaining as some people just came up with the most retarded suggestions on why people want to watch pornography.
And we have to write another story for Da Vinci again. Sigh. I'm running out of ideas. Aliens are getting too boring.
How about going to Europa, meeting some aliens, and coming back?
So I guess sports day will go well enough, even though I think the Olympic Cauldron thingy is retarded. The Olympics are over. Time for the Paralympics! Woots! Can't wait to see Pistorius! And the opening ceremony! (Damn. I think I missed it.)
Sports Day tomorrow. Its supposed to build house spirit, etc. As if that's going to work. So we tried rehearsing today, and managed to do the dance moves, and now I'm editing the sound files for or scene.
Had sexual education today, which was rather entertaining as some people just came up with the most retarded suggestions on why people want to watch pornography.
And we have to write another story for Da Vinci again. Sigh. I'm running out of ideas. Aliens are getting too boring.
How about going to Europa, meeting some aliens, and coming back?
So I guess sports day will go well enough, even though I think the Olympic Cauldron thingy is retarded. The Olympics are over. Time for the Paralympics! Woots! Can't wait to see Pistorius! And the opening ceremony! (Damn. I think I missed it.)
Monday, 27 August 2012
Sunday, 26 August 2012
Got a nice bookmark yesterday. It's orange, and has a bird on it. It looks so cool. Even if I'm not reading any book for the time being.
Matthew was popping every single knuckle that I had during chemistry lesson. My fingers felt weird afterwards. And then we had a chemistry test, which I thought was rather easy. Biology lesson went well. And then we had the medical history test, which was easy too. But the IOAA selection test was silly. Actually my answers were silly. I only actually answered one question. The others were in bits and pieces.
Teachers' Day is coming soon. Not sure f I'm going to get a present. Oh well. And then during astronomy we discussed stuff in general about the universe. And then after astronomy the back gate was locked, so Zhen Jie climbed over it and I crawled under it. The year 1s following us couldn't do any of the above, because they were... um... rather large horizontally. But just as I crawled under the damn thing a bunch of boarders appeared and let everyone out. I guess patience is a virtue.
Got a nice bookmark yesterday. It's orange, and has a bird on it. It looks so cool. Even if I'm not reading any book for the time being.
Matthew was popping every single knuckle that I had during chemistry lesson. My fingers felt weird afterwards. And then we had a chemistry test, which I thought was rather easy. Biology lesson went well. And then we had the medical history test, which was easy too. But the IOAA selection test was silly. Actually my answers were silly. I only actually answered one question. The others were in bits and pieces.
Teachers' Day is coming soon. Not sure f I'm going to get a present. Oh well. And then during astronomy we discussed stuff in general about the universe. And then after astronomy the back gate was locked, so Zhen Jie climbed over it and I crawled under it. The year 1s following us couldn't do any of the above, because they were... um... rather large horizontally. But just as I crawled under the damn thing a bunch of boarders appeared and let everyone out. I guess patience is a virtue.
Thursday, 23 August 2012
Not much happened today.
I forgot to bring my physics file. I'd better bring it tomorrow, or the physics teacher is going to kill me. And we have a chemistry and medical history test tomorrow too.Better start revising. And stop typing this. Not as if that's going to happen any time soon.
So apparently one of my friends had a privacy issue with their blog, so it got locked. Just goes to show, if you have a blog, don't leave it sitting around for someone else to show to the world. Even if that us the whole point of your blog.
And today we are going to discuss sharks. I always found them cute. Especially the whale shark. It's like, "I AM THE KAORU SHIGENO OF THE SEA. OM NOM NOM." And then it swallows a lot of plankton. SO thresher sharks have a very long tail. I find that rather nice looking. Especially when they make the awesomest b**** slaps to passing fish. And the great white shark eats seals. Have you seen them eat a seal before? It's like, there's this seal swimming, then it gets swallowed up by a big mouth. The end. I don't feel sorry for the seal.
And tomorrow is going to be another long day, as usual. I think I might change the look of my blog a bit. Getting rather boring.
Not much happened today.
I forgot to bring my physics file. I'd better bring it tomorrow, or the physics teacher is going to kill me. And we have a chemistry and medical history test tomorrow too.Better start revising. And stop typing this. Not as if that's going to happen any time soon.
So apparently one of my friends had a privacy issue with their blog, so it got locked. Just goes to show, if you have a blog, don't leave it sitting around for someone else to show to the world. Even if that us the whole point of your blog.
And today we are going to discuss sharks. I always found them cute. Especially the whale shark. It's like, "I AM THE KAORU SHIGENO OF THE SEA. OM NOM NOM." And then it swallows a lot of plankton. SO thresher sharks have a very long tail. I find that rather nice looking. Especially when they make the awesomest b**** slaps to passing fish. And the great white shark eats seals. Have you seen them eat a seal before? It's like, there's this seal swimming, then it gets swallowed up by a big mouth. The end. I don't feel sorry for the seal.
And tomorrow is going to be another long day, as usual. I think I might change the look of my blog a bit. Getting rather boring.
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
3rd rehearsal today. Also had the health screening. Was rather straightforward, though I couldn't understand why the nurse said I had a deep voice. She's never seen me hyper, I guess. And the fire alarm went off several times. False alarms. They really ought to make the smoke detectors higher up so that whatever smoke that results from chemistry experiments doesn't send all of us into a frenzy.
I'm starting to think that I'm micro managing my group too much. Oh well.
This is going to be rather short because I still have some homework to do. We have the costumes and props worked out. Just need to time the rehearsal.
3rd rehearsal today. Also had the health screening. Was rather straightforward, though I couldn't understand why the nurse said I had a deep voice. She's never seen me hyper, I guess. And the fire alarm went off several times. False alarms. They really ought to make the smoke detectors higher up so that whatever smoke that results from chemistry experiments doesn't send all of us into a frenzy.
I'm starting to think that I'm micro managing my group too much. Oh well.
This is going to be rather short because I still have some homework to do. We have the costumes and props worked out. Just need to time the rehearsal.
Saturday, 18 August 2012
Macaroons are so TASTEH!!! I like Moroccan mint the most. OM NOM NOM.
Went to MBS. No, I didn't gamble. Security guard didn't let me in. (Actually, I didn't even try) So we were initially going to the Gardens by the Bay but then it started raining so we didn't go. MBS is huge. There's like lots of designer brands around. And a skating rink. I thought it was ice until I saw the notice saying "This skating rink is not made of ice." Damn. Guess they made it out of soap. And there was this canal with boats on it and you could pay some money to get on the boat, but it seemed boring. I mean, go to Venice for the real thing. Even if it is sinking slowly.
Macaroons are so TASTEH!!! I like Moroccan mint the most. OM NOM NOM.
Went to MBS. No, I didn't gamble. Security guard didn't let me in. (Actually, I didn't even try) So we were initially going to the Gardens by the Bay but then it started raining so we didn't go. MBS is huge. There's like lots of designer brands around. And a skating rink. I thought it was ice until I saw the notice saying "This skating rink is not made of ice." Damn. Guess they made it out of soap. And there was this canal with boats on it and you could pay some money to get on the boat, but it seemed boring. I mean, go to Venice for the real thing. Even if it is sinking slowly.
Had pizza yesterday! Was so awesome! Glad I didn't eat dinner. 2 slices of pizza and quite a lot of fizzy drinks are enough. Then we had to learn how to set up and take down the scopes. Was rather easy. And here are some pictures.

And the fire alarm sounded while it was raining. LOL. I mean, assembling in the field while it's raining and the school's on fire? Somebody must have set fire to the rain.
Is it me, or do I look better while wearing my jacket?
So I was watching some people play Starcraft 2 to pass the time. Honey Djon chips are really tasty.
Had pizza yesterday! Was so awesome! Glad I didn't eat dinner. 2 slices of pizza and quite a lot of fizzy drinks are enough. Then we had to learn how to set up and take down the scopes. Was rather easy. And here are some pictures.

Is it me, or do I look better while wearing my jacket?
So I was watching some people play Starcraft 2 to pass the time. Honey Djon chips are really tasty.
Thursday, 16 August 2012
The day before Friday. Still finishing up my biology assignment. And socratic seminar reflection. I don't quite understand why we have to do this kind of thing. It felt rather forced. Then and again it was always forced.
I suppose I did quite well for my maths test. The class average was 19.4, which is rather small. At least I got higher than that. And the chinese test was rather easy, if I do say so myself.
And my original earphones broke. Buying a new one on Saturday. Hopefully this one lasts longer, because the ones that I am using right now are very big and could possibly make people stare.
The day before Friday. Still finishing up my biology assignment. And socratic seminar reflection. I don't quite understand why we have to do this kind of thing. It felt rather forced. Then and again it was always forced.
I suppose I did quite well for my maths test. The class average was 19.4, which is rather small. At least I got higher than that. And the chinese test was rather easy, if I do say so myself.
And my original earphones broke. Buying a new one on Saturday. Hopefully this one lasts longer, because the ones that I am using right now are very big and could possibly make people stare.
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
Monday, 13 August 2012
So my very good friend gave me this rather early birthday present. It's an Angry Bird with eyes that pop out if you squeeze it too hard. I rather liked it. It's so cute!
Thanks for the present!
So right now I'm finishing the submission forms for the Creative Problem Solving thingymajig. Damn complicated I tell you.
And something random.
What would penguins find offensive anyway? Cooked fish?
So my very good friend gave me this rather early birthday present. It's an Angry Bird with eyes that pop out if you squeeze it too hard. I rather liked it. It's so cute!
Thanks for the present!
So right now I'm finishing the submission forms for the Creative Problem Solving thingymajig. Damn complicated I tell you.
And something random.
What would penguins find offensive anyway? Cooked fish?
Saturday, 11 August 2012
Sorry for not posting on National Day, but I had to go to the airport for some shopping. Bought chocolates and drank a lot of coffee. Other than that, not much.
Had our first drama discussion at Chong Wen's house. Only that it wasn't so much a drama discussion as it was a LAN gaming shop. You should have seen the computers. There wasn't much space for anyone to walk around, and I stepped on my computer. It still works (what do you think I'm typing this on?)
Sorry for not posting on National Day, but I had to go to the airport for some shopping. Bought chocolates and drank a lot of coffee. Other than that, not much.
Had our first drama discussion at Chong Wen's house. Only that it wasn't so much a drama discussion as it was a LAN gaming shop. You should have seen the computers. There wasn't much space for anyone to walk around, and I stepped on my computer. It still works (what do you think I'm typing this on?)
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
So, it's the day before national day. Hooray. Tomorrow's a holiday. Whee. I don't know what to do. Maybe finish up my homework. Yes, I should do that. Or go to a shopping mall. And buy Lego and stuff. Really need to keep myself occupied. Really. No, seriously I know staring at Facebook is retarded but if there's nothing else to do I just stare at my Facebook. Or watch a video. Come to think of it, why don't I watch a video?
Oh god I haven't handed up my history assignment which was due 3 days ago.
So good luck to Mary Kom, and may you win a medal that's better than bronze for women's boxing. Of course, it will be India's first medal in women's boxing, but then and again, women's boxing was only put in the Olympics this year.
And anyway, if you look at the table tennis matches most of the athletes are asian. I know some people are complaining that it's not really Singapore's athletes that are winning but China's, but if the athletes really feel at home here I see no reason why they shouldn't win a medal for our country. It's a bit like the foreigner problem (foreigners stealing jobs away from local people). And lots of people have been posting what they deem "horrible synchronized swimming" photos. Seriously. If you think that's horrible, I think that a lot of effort must have gone into the training and the design on their bodies. They're here to impress the judges, not to let random people on 9gag comment on how horrible they look. Personally, I think they look all right.
Well, fine, some of the pictures are really hilarious, but I'm quite sure the judges didn't see those.
So, it's the day before national day. Hooray. Tomorrow's a holiday. Whee. I don't know what to do. Maybe finish up my homework. Yes, I should do that. Or go to a shopping mall. And buy Lego and stuff. Really need to keep myself occupied. Really. No, seriously I know staring at Facebook is retarded but if there's nothing else to do I just stare at my Facebook. Or watch a video. Come to think of it, why don't I watch a video?
Oh god I haven't handed up my history assignment which was due 3 days ago.
So good luck to Mary Kom, and may you win a medal that's better than bronze for women's boxing. Of course, it will be India's first medal in women's boxing, but then and again, women's boxing was only put in the Olympics this year.
And anyway, if you look at the table tennis matches most of the athletes are asian. I know some people are complaining that it's not really Singapore's athletes that are winning but China's, but if the athletes really feel at home here I see no reason why they shouldn't win a medal for our country. It's a bit like the foreigner problem (foreigners stealing jobs away from local people). And lots of people have been posting what they deem "horrible synchronized swimming" photos. Seriously. If you think that's horrible, I think that a lot of effort must have gone into the training and the design on their bodies. They're here to impress the judges, not to let random people on 9gag comment on how horrible they look. Personally, I think they look all right.
Well, fine, some of the pictures are really hilarious, but I'm quite sure the judges didn't see those.
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
Seriously... Whoever you are, redstrawberrry, your methods of getting more people to see your blog are rather poor. Yes, I do admit to posting links to my blog on Facebook two times, but I only have like, 230 friends, and you posted in a group that has over, what, several hundred thousand members? They'll probably all laugh at your retarded posts.
For the link to that blog, look at my previous post.
I really do feel sorry for Liu Xiang. But I'm sure he'll be back at the 2016 Olympics. All the great athletes have injury problems at some point in their lives, and they always get through it. I'm quite sure he will too. And congratulations to the nation of Grenada for their first Olympic medal. And a gold at that too.
Oh, and goodbye Seon Woo, even though I don't know you much. (Why the hell is almost every Korean raring to get back home? And why are all the good Koreans returning? Why can't June go back to where she came from?)
And for all you people who I poke and never reply, if you don't reply by tomorrow I will personally hunt you down and POKE THE STUFFING OUT OF YOU. Got it?
Seriously... Whoever you are, redstrawberrry, your methods of getting more people to see your blog are rather poor. Yes, I do admit to posting links to my blog on Facebook two times, but I only have like, 230 friends, and you posted in a group that has over, what, several hundred thousand members? They'll probably all laugh at your retarded posts.
For the link to that blog, look at my previous post.
I really do feel sorry for Liu Xiang. But I'm sure he'll be back at the 2016 Olympics. All the great athletes have injury problems at some point in their lives, and they always get through it. I'm quite sure he will too. And congratulations to the nation of Grenada for their first Olympic medal. And a gold at that too.
Oh, and goodbye Seon Woo, even though I don't know you much. (Why the hell is almost every Korean raring to get back home? And why are all the good Koreans returning? Why can't June go back to where she came from?)
And for all you people who I poke and never reply, if you don't reply by tomorrow I will personally hunt you down and POKE THE STUFFING OUT OF YOU. Got it?
Monday, 6 August 2012
CURIOSITY HAS LANDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME! AND USAIN BOLT WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVEN MORE AWESOME!
So the one tonne rover that is the same size as a Mini Cooper has landed, and Usain Bolt won. I knew the could do it. I mean, being lowered from the sky by a rocket powered crane isn't common, but it works. And even though the pictures are in black and white they're quite good. And it's nuclear powered. Isn't that awesome?
And Usain Bolt won. HAPPY 50th BIRTHDAY JAMAICA! Best birthday present ever I tell you. Wish I could have one like that, but, I can't run. Not even for a genuine version of Minecraft. Or a real life cute dinosaur. But anyway, congratulations to Usain Bolt and his teammate Yohan Blake for making everyone else able to only get bronze. :p
And we finally have football tomorrow, instead of gymnastics. YAY!
CURIOSITY HAS LANDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME! AND USAIN BOLT WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVEN MORE AWESOME!
So the one tonne rover that is the same size as a Mini Cooper has landed, and Usain Bolt won. I knew the could do it. I mean, being lowered from the sky by a rocket powered crane isn't common, but it works. And even though the pictures are in black and white they're quite good. And it's nuclear powered. Isn't that awesome?
And Usain Bolt won. HAPPY 50th BIRTHDAY JAMAICA! Best birthday present ever I tell you. Wish I could have one like that, but, I can't run. Not even for a genuine version of Minecraft. Or a real life cute dinosaur. But anyway, congratulations to Usain Bolt and his teammate Yohan Blake for making everyone else able to only get bronze. :p
And we finally have football tomorrow, instead of gymnastics. YAY!
Saturday, 4 August 2012
Chemistry went fine. We went and electroplated a spoon with copper. And then went and un-electroplated it by reversing the electrodes.
Oh, and I found someone in our class's blog. http://strawberriesmarshmallow.blogspot.sg/ Go and uh, I don't know, read it? Not that there's much to read, because it's mostly retarded.
Biology was nice. We went and dissected a mouse. It was interesting. The insides were rather nicely kept. And Favian was quite good at it. Our group finished first. And the mouse is actually quite cute, ina dead and frozen and then thawed out sort of way. The teacher said somethign about its nose being red because of hemorrhaging. And then we had to pin it to the wax board to stop it from moving around, or else we would cut the wrong thing.
We couldn't find the testes of the mouse, until the teacher pulled them out. Ew. It was slightly uncomfortable.
So before astronomy it rained like it had never rained before, so we had theory session and went through last year Astrochallenge questions, which were rather easy. Even the year 1s could get some of them right.
And I still need to research for the bio assignment. Damn.
Chemistry went fine. We went and electroplated a spoon with copper. And then went and un-electroplated it by reversing the electrodes.
Oh, and I found someone in our class's blog. http://strawberriesmarshmallow.blogspot.sg/ Go and uh, I don't know, read it? Not that there's much to read, because it's mostly retarded.
Biology was nice. We went and dissected a mouse. It was interesting. The insides were rather nicely kept. And Favian was quite good at it. Our group finished first. And the mouse is actually quite cute, ina dead and frozen and then thawed out sort of way. The teacher said somethign about its nose being red because of hemorrhaging. And then we had to pin it to the wax board to stop it from moving around, or else we would cut the wrong thing.
We couldn't find the testes of the mouse, until the teacher pulled them out. Ew. It was slightly uncomfortable.
So before astronomy it rained like it had never rained before, so we had theory session and went through last year Astrochallenge questions, which were rather easy. Even the year 1s could get some of them right.
And I still need to research for the bio assignment. Damn.
Thursday, 2 August 2012
New month, a week to go until National Day and we have a slightly longer weekend as a result of that. Its Friday tomorrow, and we have to finish our drama script by then. Good thing I'm done with it.
I really do wish Nicholas would leave this school. He's so annoying sometime I imagine myself punching him. Then getting over it because it never happens. But at least I don't go crazy.
Chinese teacher assigned us groups for the chinese project. Apparently we have to voice over the chracters in a short clip of a movie. Should be easy once one of us gets the chinese version. (I'm surprised te teacher didn't think of that)
L4D2 is a nice game, but the submachine guns shoot too fast, the shotguns reload too slow, andrenaline doesn't help, and the only good guns are the combat rifle and the AK 47. And easy has too little zombies and everything above that has too many. And Dino Run is the nicest game ever. Running away from the end of the world, like a Sir. Isn't he cute?! I mean he's like this cute tiny dinosaur that's running faster than Usain Bolt just to save himself.
New month, a week to go until National Day and we have a slightly longer weekend as a result of that. Its Friday tomorrow, and we have to finish our drama script by then. Good thing I'm done with it.
I really do wish Nicholas would leave this school. He's so annoying sometime I imagine myself punching him. Then getting over it because it never happens. But at least I don't go crazy.
Chinese teacher assigned us groups for the chinese project. Apparently we have to voice over the chracters in a short clip of a movie. Should be easy once one of us gets the chinese version. (I'm surprised te teacher didn't think of that)
L4D2 is a nice game, but the submachine guns shoot too fast, the shotguns reload too slow, andrenaline doesn't help, and the only good guns are the combat rifle and the AK 47. And easy has too little zombies and everything above that has too many. And Dino Run is the nicest game ever. Running away from the end of the world, like a Sir. Isn't he cute?! I mean he's like this cute tiny dinosaur that's running faster than Usain Bolt just to save himself.
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