Friday, 1 February 2013


Happy February. Had astronomy welcome party tonight for the new members. We had pizza and drinks. Om nom nom. So Soccer apparently decided to coat every single one of their members with flour. Probably planning to deep-fry them, I wouldn't know. Then and again, who needs flour when you have diagnostic tests?

The diagnostic test was really awesome. There was this question about the first man in space. The options were:
1. Alan Sheppard (1st American in space, doesn't count)
2. Юрий Гагарин
3. Белка собак
4. Валентина Терешкова
I really forgot the real options. But you get the idea. RUSSIANS!

And then there was this one.
What are the chances of you getting this question correct?
1. 25%
2. 25%
3. 50%
4. 100%
If your brain has exploded by now, don't worry. Mine didn't. I got 2nd overall for the test. Jeremy got 1st. I sure do hope you're not surprised.

And then because some of us finished the diagnostic test so fast, they gave us the senior diagnostic test. And one of the awesome questions was:
Gorillas on Mars have declared war on Earth. With the current technology of 2013, unlimited resources and unlimited budget, find the quickest way to destroy Mars.
Answer: Re-route the LHC so that it fires at Mars. And hope a black hole forms and eats it up. Alternatively, send a fleet of rovers armed with lasers and nuclear self-destructs to Mars, kill all the gorillas there, and blow it to smithereens.

The sky was really good tonight. You could see Jupiter and 4 of its moons, the Pleiades, Orion and his nebula/dong, if you know what I mean >:)

I wish the skies could be like this during practicals. That would be perfect. Spent some time talking to the year 1s. They're really nice. And they like Minecraft :D and ponies :D:D

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