Wednesday, 17 July 2013


So today we had Da Vinci, which involved something about reviewing an article. I rather liked the physics one on blitzers, which basically work when a neutron star rotates so rapidly it bulges at its equator, which causes part of it to fall outside its schwarzschild radius, and hence it doesn't collapse into a black hole. Over time it loses energy as its spinning magnetic dipoles stimulate the surrounding electromagnetic field, Over time the rotation slows down, causing the equatorial bulge to subside and now the neutron star is inside its schwarzschild radius, and collapses into a black hole, losing its EM field as radio waves.


  1. You liked it mostly because of Mr Yuen.

  2. did you happen to be talking to yourself? sorry if i interrupted.

    honestly, whatever the reason, that topic sounds rather interesting, just that i don't really have the right stuff (e.g. physics knowledge) to take that...

    1. That was me using wui seng's account to reply
