Tuesday, 13 August 2013


Cold saunas. Yes, you read that right. Because if you've ever seen a phase diagram you know cold steam can exist.
 Unfortunately since the only way cold (I'm taking less than or equal to 0 degrees Celsius) steam can exist is at pressures below 10 millibars, you'd probably never get to see it. Mostly because your eyeballs would have forced their way out of their sockets, as would everything else in your body. And then proceeded to explode all over the place.

And as you all know, next Monday is a school holiday. At least for us in NUSH. Mostly because Lim Jeck won a lot of medals. Although I;'m not sure what they'll do next year, since he graduates at the end of this year. They'll probably find someone else. Hopefully they do.

Had a math test today. Was rather easy. Found some colour pencils. Jeff can't count. Biology quiz is not tomorrow, as I had somehow thought it was due to some weird stuff that goes on in my brain. Oh well. Da Vinci tomorrow and they want us to bring computers. Fine. And also, astronomy overnight on Friday. Staring at Zhi Xin will kill you. Staring at Mavis will make you laugh.
Staring at me will make you wonder why I'm so ugly.


  1. Oh come on friend, we have Mr Wang Fan, Francis. It was partially his work too which caused the holiday. And after he graduates we still have the Astro Javier. And then we have our batch.

    Honestly, I wonder if the holiday is just a yearly thing that happens and the principal also needs a rest? Not sure if they had the holiday thing before we came to this school.

    Jeff can't count? Oh c'mon. I think he can count, he just can't do the trigonometry. Quite a number of people are poor in trigonometry in my class.

    Yay astronomy overnight! I'm bringing a small mahjong set courtesy from a friend whom we know.

    Oh and please don't mention them. At least not that teacher-lover. EW.

    I hope you don't mind my comments...

  2. And I saw the ice graph a few months ago. Still don't really get it since the pressure was arranged in a logarithm way and that's real confusing.

  3. HUDDAHUDDA... Supercritical sauna baths are so much more awesome
