Wednesday, 13 March 2013


Please note that not only has Yi Jun blown up a whole lot of stuff, he's also blown up the Moon. As such, Sean will be perpetually angry as he only calms down once in a blue moon, and since there is no moon to turn blue Sean will never calm down.
So you think Wui Seng's jacket is nice? Want to own it? Well, sorry, but no. Go get one yourself. Then Wui Seng will walk by and his jacket will sneer at your jacket, leaving your jacket with self esteem issues.

That's right. Wui Seng has a pet jacket. In your face. Pet jackets are very demanding creatures, requiring many years to tame. However, they make especially good companions, often responding to (and tearing apart) and threat to their owners. If you wear them and they don't like you, they'll eat you. With their titanium-platinum-iron-carbon-cobalt-nickel alloy teeth. In fact, you don't even need to be wearing them to be eaten. They can crawl with their arms. And parachute onto your head. And parkour across big gaps. And swim. And drive cars. You can't hide from a jacket. Ever.

So you may be wondering "But Glen wears Wui Seng's jacket, and he's not dead yet!" That's because Wui Seng is a nice guy with a very obedient jacket, and he's ordered it not to eat people. So don't make them angry. Because if you do, may God have mercy on your soul.

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