Friday, 8 March 2013


The story so far...
After the previous encounter with Yi Jun, in the midst of everything exploding, Yi Jun summoned a helicopter to bring him back to the Taj Mahal. But Wui Seng Sean and Javier realised that he had gone. Suddenly his/her Royal Highness June of North Korea called and sheepishly said that Wui Seng could teleport. Wui Seng screamed "WHAT THE F***-" zipped up his jacket in a rush of anger and suddenly he teleported all of them to the Taj Mahal.

Well, not really.

You see, Wui Seng was still relatively new at teleporting, and had teleported them 100 miles from their intended destination. So Sean ended up walking with his hands all the way to the Taj Mahal (for no apparent reason). And so they finally caught up with Yi Jun at his office and found what they were looking for.

The super weapon. Which happened to be Yi Jun himself. *insert dramatic music* Who could have guessed?

Unfortunately, we will not reveal the secret weapon. How anti-climatic right? Doesn't matter... (do stay tuned though).

Additionally, Yi Jun had managed to acquire a new tie called the hen-tie. It could spawn and despawn hot chicks (baby chickens. What were you thinking? Pervert  Which could explode in a thermite reaction after flying to higher ground.

Yi Jun using his secret weapon summoned the chickens to carry a nuclear bomb he was planning to detonate.So Sean Javier and Wui Seng followed, but Wui Seng teleported them into an alien mothership orbiting the Earth, which just coincidentally happened to have June on it.

In the midst of Wui Seng's screaming, Sean's swearing and Javier sitting-about-and-doing-absolutely-nothing-but-look-handsome, June in her drunkeness decided to fire a massive laser at Yi Jun, and ended up exploding the Taj Mahal and somehow destroying the hen-tie in the process as well (Don't ask us how, we're the authors, and what we say goes).

However, Yi Jun still had the explodinating tie, so he put it back on and the Taj Mahal unexploded and the laser beam flew back towards the mothership. Which would have been alright were it not for the fact that the mother ship wasn't going back in time to unshoot that laser since the mothership was non human built but alien created.

The laser exploded the mothership instead, but Wui Seng managed to teleport them back into the atmosphere, and they free fell back towards the Taj Mahal. They could have died due to gravity pulling then to the ground at 9.81 m/s^2 and hitting the ground at terminal velocity but fortunately, Sean used his hyperstrength to push air toward the ground. (Yes he moved air, you have an issue with that, huh?) the column of air cushioned their fall. And they dramatically slowed down at the last second and survived. There was however one of June's cleaners that disintegrated into a baby whale and then a bowl of peanuts before bursting into flames (don't even bother asking me how we came up with a cleaner). June, Javier, Wui Seng, Sean and the remaining of June's cleaner then marched on, into the Taj Mahal...But Yi Jun was not there! (DUN DUN DUN!)



  1. 100 miles = about 160 km. SG's max length and width is just about 30+ 40+ km. Mon dieu! I don't see how someone can walk with his hands in water. Seriously, mon ami? Btw, more of these stories please, people are asking for 'em. The fun part about this is that I can actually see the setting (except your 100 miles part, I visualised the Taj M. set in the middle of some area and all of you walking towards it) and the things happening, and what-nots that are seriously impossible in physics laws. I visualised June as a male with a crown and hidden in the crown is the rest of the hair & accessories.

    Anyway, come up with part 3 soon, and hope at the end of the story (not the end of all your adventures, but just the nabbing of Yi Jun) the character in the story which is you yourself survives and you say some "famous quotes" (not necessarily last words, I don't want you to die).

  2. what happened to cannon penis?
