Stuff that goes on in school, and anything else I think of. (Chatboxes are for wimps. Please leave comments instead.) Have fun reading.
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
I did alright for my physics test, although I thought I was going to do worse because I didn't quite study much for it. Also, friend of mine gave me a Starbucks card for my birthday, which is rather nice.
It also had $80 on it. Which was even nicer.
Borrowed some books from the library today. More crime novels.
I have quite a lot of projects due this week.
Saturday, 6 September 2014
I like how no one has nominated me for any bucket challenge yet.
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Finally managed to find Police. You have no idea how long I've been waiting for it to be available in the library. Also borrowed the mammoth book of crime fiction, which seems interesting. I don't quite know why I like reading this genre but it's pretty cool especially when they get to the part where they kill people. Hiding the bodies is also interesting.
I think we're having some kind of breakfast tomorrow, but since we have a $40 budget we can't really buy anything nice.
Sharks can't laugh because they lack funny bones. Or any bones, for that matter.
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Monday, 1 September 2014
The Ultimate Pet Catting Guide
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And humans, on very rare occasions. |
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The way he's squeezing me, I'll be dead anyway. |
Onto dogs. They're not my favorite animal. I'm sorry to say that, but I don't find dogs very appealing. I think it's got something to do with their faces. Or maybe I'm weird and a massive douchebag (THAT'S TOTALLY YOUR OPINION AND NOT MINE).
Anyway onto the main point of this post, which is called pet catting. Essentially this post will show you how to turn your pet into a cat-like creature. Hopefully. I don't have a pet, so I'm asking you people to test the methods shown below. Constructive comments would be greatly appreciated. Any damage to animals is totally not my fault. (insert more disclaimers here, blah blah blah, each sold separately, batteries not included, do not feed to children over 18, machine wash only)
Method 1: Make it look like a cat. This will involve the use of string to make artificial whiskers, as well as cat ears and a marker. Simply hot glue the strings to the face of your pet. If the cat ears don't stay on then use glue as well. The marker is for adding additional whiskers and the obligatory cat face, :3
Method 2: Make it act like a cat. This one's simple. Simply allow your pet to be the biggest arse ever. Then let it control your life. Done.
Method 3: Make it smell like a cat? I don't know what cats smell like. I'd assume kittens smell like sunshine and rainbows but as they get older hints of death and destruction start to appear, with an aftertaste of Hell.
Method 4: Convert it into a cat. Unlike the above 3 methods this one is a bit more complicated. First, sacrifice something. (The time you've spent reading this is not an appropriate sacrifice). Then offer it to the Devil. Hang on maybe you should offer it to the Devil first before sacrificing it? Eh, just try both ways. If the Devil appears, ask him to turn your pet into a cat. If he looks extremely confused by the request then just point at your pet and meow.
Friday, 29 August 2014
I have a biology test today that I haven't quite studied for. I wouldn't be worrying about it so much, but I slept through quite a few lessons so I might be a bit screwed. No CCA tomorrow so I should be getting home early.
Singapore junior physics olympiad is this Saturday. I should probably start studying for it, the past year papers looked quite hard.
Anyway, good night. Don't stay up too late.
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
Borrowed some books today, just finished one.
It'd be kind of cool being a cat wouldn't it? You'd just sit there all day being the hugest arse in the world and no one would blame you for that because you're bloody adorable and you get away with everything that you do. And then you get old and die and then you respawn because you're a cat and you have 9 lives and since you're a cat you're not limited to respawning as house cats you could become a tiger or a lion and that would be pretty cool, wouldn't it? You could finally eat people. Or just be lazy all the time.
Wednesday, 20 August 2014
The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge isn't a bad thing, since it's raised a substantial amount of money for ALS research and all that, but I couldn't help but feel the Ice Bucket part is a bit silly. For starters, how does pouring a bucket of ice water over your head in any way make you or the people watching more aware of ALS? Seriously, I went and looked up ALS and none of the symptoms vaguely resemble having a bucket of cold water being poured over you. If you want to experience the symptoms of ALS try strapping yourself to a wheelchair, or not moving your limbs or being unable to speak properly. Then try to survive a day and have people video it. Then have pillows tied around all your limbs with tight rubber bands so you can hardly move around properly. Then have someone try to strangle you so you have difficulty breathing. That's ALS. The ice bucket thing is just a way of getting people to watch and to participate because it would appear people really like pouring cold water over themselves.
And anyway, you've already donated the required $100, why drench yourself? What happens if the wind starts blowing? Do you have any idea what real cold is?
I don't either, but still.
Also, why hasn't Stephen Hawking said anything about this? I'm actually a bit worried he might have done the ice bucket challenge himself, which is terrifying.
Peer pressure is a terrifying thing. Don't go nominating people to do the ice bucket challenge as well, sometimes they really don't want to. But they can donate the $100, which is nice, I guess. Do it if you want to, but don't drag other people into this unless they agree.
Tuesday, 19 August 2014
A Guide to Identifying Owls
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Why are you asking me if I have an umbrella? Just go inside when it rains, dummy. |
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How long do I have to stay here? Damn photographer's taking his time, isn't he? |
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Why does this picture remind me so much of Napoleon? I don't know. |
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I can't come up with a caption for this. Sorry. |
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Check out my feet mittens. Cool, eh? Darn fluffy as well. |
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I couldn't think of a caption for this either. |
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Oh, hey. I just woke up. And I'm hungry. |
Sunday, 10 August 2014
Monday, 28 July 2014
Bloody hell, tumblr can be a bit depressing at times. I have friends all over it complimenting each other, and I always feel so left out. Although I suppose it's mostly my fault, since I rarely ever talk to them. Or maybe because I'm a bit too weird for their liking. I have no idea. It seems they're a lot more expressive than I am. Or maybe it's because I keep everything inside? I have the most overactive imaginations at times. And I really don't like it because I've never put it to good use. Book writing attempts fizzle out after the first few chapters. And I'm not in a relationship, which does occasionally make me a bit jealous of other people.
Just did half of my chinese composition. I'll probably do the other half tomorrow, I really can't be bothered right now.
Do you have any idea how bloody infuriating it is to be shipped with the guy sitting next to you? I know you're all just teasing, but bloody fucking hell it gets so annoying at times I actually get angry. And then I keep it all in. Which in most cases is probably very unhealthy. I'll manage. My time with Nicholas taught me a few things about anger management. It's not nice. I'm not homophobic, but Chong Wen doesn't like it either. Neither do I. I could probably do something very nasty the next time that happens, but I usually just scream loudly. And look pissed. The fact that you're all girls doesn't make it any simpler either, because bloody fucking hell there are a lot of rules around when it comes to dealing with you people. Not that I hate you or anything, but I really wish you'd stop that.
I really hope I finished whatever's due tomorrow.
I don't really have a good friend to talk to. I know most other people in my class do, they're the ones with better social circles and all that. I actually do have someone I communicate with a lot, and I rather like it. Gives me something to look forward to. Even if the messages are a bit sporadic and we talk about the oddest things at times.
Relatives are visiting. They're staying in my house at the moment, so I'm sleeping in the master bedroom with my parents. It's a bit cramped. Anyway today was Glen's birthday party. We had chocolate cake, chocolate ice cream and some coffee. It was quite nice. Quite a few people came.If you're reading this Glen I'll give you your present later this week.
Ugh my eyes are hurting again. Good night.
Saturday, 26 July 2014
Anyway, the astronomy dinner was awesome! Met quite a lot of nice people, we talked a lot about the astronomy stuff in Singapore, and how we could improve it and things like that. And the food there was rather nice as well. They had fried rice, mango juice and some other tasty things. And we played some games as well and we started laughing a whole lot, and I realised I haven't laughed like that for quite a while. I laughed a lot. There was this game where you had to whisper in someone's ear a message and everyone kept laughing at the funny bits and we couldn't remember anything XD
Also took a group photo which I don't look really retarded in :P
Anyway that's about it. I need to go to sleep now. Good night.
Wednesday, 23 July 2014
There are Japanese people visiting our school. Some of them came over for chemistry lesson. I don't know what they thought about it.
There really aren't any blogs around, are there? Seriously noone from this school has a blog that regularly updates. Except mine. And probably some others, but I'm not in the mood to search for them, because I feel like a stalker occasionally.
Not to mention they almost always make their blogs private soon after I've found them. It's not my fault.
Tuesday, 22 July 2014
My friend has 2 tumblr blogs. That's bloody amazing.
Anyway I don't think anything interesting happened today.
You should probably take a look at this website if you rather like cooking. Or watching other people cook. It's people like these that make me wish Google Nose was a real thing.
Monday, 21 July 2014
Frankly speaking if this was an English comprehension test they'd all have failed.
Aside from that nothing much happened today. Aside from Wayne bringing the most adorable stuffed toy ever to astronomy training. Also having prize presentation this Friday, we won a lot of stuff in June and before that.
Congratulations Mrs. Fernandez on becoming pregnant. Wish your baby grows up to be a nice child!
I have no idea what else I'm supposed to put here.
Oh yes, we have an English oral presentation and we're supposed to present on the topic of poverty in Singapore. When I Googled "poor in Singapore" most of the results were quite depressing. Not to mention there were too many Anton Casey articles.
I should probably go to sleep now. Good night.
Sunday, 20 July 2014
Malaysia: Pretty beaches. Too bad the same can't be said about the infrastructure.
They even had an observatory at the resort, which was kind of cool, except at that time the sky wasn't that bad and they only ever pointed it at the Moon.
But still, kind of cool.
Anyway aside from that we also brought along a couple of telescopes and every night we set them up in the carpark and looked at stuff. The skies there were much better than in Singapore. You could see a lot more. I brought my binoculars along and managed to see some globular clusters with them.
We also walked around on the beach a bit. There was a lot of interesting stuff.
Some kind of clay deposit.
And that's a fiddler crab.
Saturday, 7 June 2014
We won Astrochallenge. Not too shabby. About time too, I was getting tired of always coming behind RI.
Friday, 23 May 2014
Everyone's relaxing and going ice skating and watching movies, and I can't help but feel a bit jealous. Probably because I never asked if I could join in. I can't always blame them for not inviting me.
Friday, 16 May 2014
Script checking is over. Did alright for my exams, except for economics. I probably shouldn't pursue a career in the financial sector.
SJChO tomorrow. I wonder if I've prepared enough.
Monday, 12 May 2014
Sorry about the long delay. The exams arrived so I spent quite a lot of time revising or reading books. Anyway now that they're over I can relax.
I borrowed quite a few library books. They're all crime fiction.
We went for the Asian Physics Olympiad opening ceremony today. It was rather boring and I fell asleep. I liked the water drum performance though. It had pyrotechnics.
My computer screen broke. I'll probably have to get a new computer.
Monday, 21 April 2014
Disco Zoo is such a fun game. The animals are adorable.
I think I might be starting to worry a little, so I should probably do some more revision just to reassure myself that I will be prepared for the exams.
Sunday, 13 April 2014
Saturday, 5 April 2014
After Open House we had a trip to a dinosaur exhibition. It was rather cool. We also managed to discover a security flaw in the museum while we were there. Took quite a few photos. Didn't buy anything from the gift shop because I found nothing really appealing and everything was expensive.
Saturday, 29 March 2014
Not much happened today. It was supposed to be Earth hour but I completely forgot about it. Oh well. So much for the environment.
Thursday, 27 March 2014
Had PE today. I'm still exempted from it, which means I skip NAPFA as well.
Not much happened today. CCA tomorrow, we're probably going to discuss the Astrigue project. We got astrobiology as our topic and we're planning to troll everyone else. Hopefully.
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
It's interesting how you can hear just about everything going on inside the classroom when it's really small. The sound system is acting up again and annoying me to a large extent. Having physics now.
It rained yesterday for 2 minutes. I fear the rain we had during the March holidays might be gone soon. But at least the field is green now. I didn't really like looking at it when it was brown.
Mother washed my jacket and it smells fabulous. Yay.
Tuesday, 25 March 2014
Sunny day. Had health screening today, the room was bloody cold even though I was wearing a jacket.
Don't have an elective module today so I can go home at 4 :D More time to do the homework that's due tomorrow.
Everyone is playing 2048. The concept is cool. I just can't get past 512. It's worse than Flappy Bird.
Monday, 24 March 2014
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If at first you don't succeed, SMASH IT TO DEATH! |
Wednesday, 19 March 2014
SAO is this Saturday. I should be doing my revision. Holidays have been rainy. To make up for all the rain we didn't get. They still can't find that jet, which is annoying.
Should be doing holiday homework a lot quicker. Then I won't be so busy. Warehouse 13 is a cool show.
Sunday, 9 March 2014
Chemistry test tomorrow. I hope I've studied enough.
Monday, 3 March 2014
Physics project is going well. I think. Quite a few things I have to finish by the end of this term though. I should start doing them soon.
Thursday, 27 February 2014
Monday, 24 February 2014
Got silver for the biomedical Olympiad :D
School didn't do too well though. RI won just about every category. Need to beat them in some other competitions. Dad just bought me a new phone and it arrives today. It's some Chinese brand that's apparently quite popular. I have no idea. I've yet to use it.
Cats are adorable.
Monday, 17 February 2014
I'm glad my notes weren't wasted. Now I need to study some more. And get a medal.
Had physics test. I think it was alright.
I have no idea.
Also had astronomy training today. Learned about the astronomy of clarinets, and how that explains why Neptune and Uranus aren't where they were at the start of the solar system.
Sunday, 16 February 2014
It still isn't raining much. And Indonesia's volcanoes are going off rather more frequently. Also, there's a physics test tomorrow that I should study for.
Monday, 10 February 2014
Sean has apparently been banned from walking backwards due to the fact that he fell down and broke his ankle doing exactly that. Oh well. Also, Chong Wen is sick and everyone else in the class appears to be getting sick as well. I hope I don't. I was already sick at the start of the year and all that coughing managed to fracture my left 6th rib slightly. So I've been excused from PE for 2 months. Did I say that in an earlier post?
Thursday, 6 February 2014
If your Flappy Bird highscore is 56 and above, please inform me. I'll start playing the game again.
I need to get my X-ray results back soon. Hopefully nothing comes up.
Monday, 3 February 2014
Sunday, 2 February 2014
Urgh tumblr you funny blue thing with cat pictures and weird pictures of Korean people (nothing wrong with that) and more cat pictures (nothing wrong with that either) and some extremely deep stuff and stuff that makes you want to cry.
So I hope you all had a very nice Chinese New Year. Valentine's Day is not exactly around the corner (always slow down when going around corners. That's usually when you get run over/mugged. Or at least in the movies) but it will be here in 12 days. So get your presents ready if you have someone.
If you don't have someone, you can have me. NO NO NO DON'T PLEASE DON'T THAT WAS A JOKE.
Saturday, 1 February 2014
Thursday, 30 January 2014
Just get your red packets and some more pocket money I guess. Anyway I'll be doing my homework and watching Sherlock and probably TopGear as well.
Had the CNY celebrations in school today. It was alright, although I had the weird feeling the choir performance was pre-recorded. I don't know, the speakers didn't sound right. Anyway I'm doing my english current affairs portfolio. Relatives are visiting in about an hour. Oh boy this is going to be one unproductive day for me.
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
Evolutionary biology practical was interesting. It involved tribbles. Oh well at least tomorrow's the last day of the week, then we have CNY which means relatives visiting and lots of computer games. Oh boy.
Went for a X-Ray today. I'll only get the results back in about a week, so there's nothing to write about it right now.
Sunday, 26 January 2014
Just finished my homework. I can hear thunder off in the distance. At least I think that's thunder. The past few days have been cold. Brr. At least I have my jacket.
Thursday, 23 January 2014
That's the light microscope we used. It's an Olympus one. We were supposed to prepare slides and then view them under the microscope, which was rather easy.
I like them. Unfortunately there wasn't much I could take away from this biology practical in terms of laboratory equiment.
And these are onion cells. I forgot their actual name. Anyway if you zoom in on the picture you can see a small ruler as well, which tells you how big the cell is. Each division on the ruler is 2.5 micrometres. Go figure.
And everyone was busy slicing up the onions with the scalpels because why not? And onions are tasty.
And these are hydrilla leaf cells. The nucleus isn't observable but you can see the chloroplasts clearly. I also managed to get a video of cytoplasmic streaming. That's where the chloroplasts are moving around inside the cell.
Anyway besides these 2 they also required us to obtain cheek cell samples. And these are how my cheek cells look like.
They're quite irregular.
In several Western countries where oral sex is more common, it appears that students who do this may occasionally also find sperm cells. Ew.
Anyway we also decorated the massive window of our classroom. It's bloody amazing. I like it very much.
On a side note, we made an extremely long Mobius strip with 5 sheets of paper, cut it in half, and then cut it in half again to get 2 long Mobius strips that were joined together. The whole thing was so long when we put it out of our classroom window it reached the 2nd floor. An our classroom is on the 5th floor. We'll be doing it again with more paper, just to see if we can't set the world record for the longest paper Mobius strip.
Wednesday, 22 January 2014
You're never too young to get cancer. Having biomedical training now.
And there was this band called Budak Pantai that came over to our school amd performed for us during ACE lesson, and they were bloody amazing. I liked them. I wish they come back soon.
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
1. Get a long roll of platinium iridium wire.
2. Attempt to cut wire into extremely short and sharp pointy bits.
3. Fail miserably, but since the wires look sharp enough you stick them onto the STM anyway.
4. Attempt to scan a sheet of gold.
5. Look at screen and wonder if that's how gold is supposed to look like.
6. Make around 20 more different wires just to see if the picture improves.
7. If picture does not improve you're doing something wrong you idiot.
And I still have no idea how gold looks like.
We had the biology Nobel thingy today. We're supposed to be doing something on blood types.
Just arrived in school. I had this weird dream about going to a massive Marks and Spencer store somewhere. I have no idea where. I think I was looking for jaffa cakes. Classroom has the lights off because Simrita is still sleeping. And Sean is trying to install a game on his computer. I have electives until 6. Bleh. At least I get to use a STM.
Monday, 20 January 2014
Let's see what we can do at SAO.
Had astronomy training today about ellipses and things like that. Ellipses are interesting. The problem is the equations are hard to type but they're rather neat. Also they gave us a worksheet. It seems alright by astronomy standards. We get prizes for getting above 85.
Our mentor put up some rather unglamourous pictures of our class during Orientation up on the board. I'm thinking of moving them somewhere else. I don't like to be sitting next to a picture of people looking rather silly.
However, the noticeboard is good for banging your head against in frustration.
Do you know how to build a snowman? Me neither. Had a chemistry practical today about rate laws and all that. Sodium thiosulfate and HCl. If you heat the sodium thiosulfate up to around 80 degrees Celsius it takes 3 seconds for massive amounts of sulphur to be produced. Chemistry quiz tomorrow. It should be easy. I should probably be revising for that. Anyway goodbye.
I also managed to take away 15 ml of 2.0M HCl solution. I have no idea what I'll use it for. Probably an emergency. Can 2.0M HCl do anything?
Sunday, 19 January 2014
Got new earphones. I have no idea what they do but the bass is nice and they fit in my ear nicely and the sound is good as well.
Urgh need to prepare my math file for tomorrow. I do not want to write a 500 word essay about not bringing it. But at least I finished the tutorial. Whew. There's a chemistry practical tomorrow about rate laws and that sort of stuff. It should be easy.
Wednesday, 15 January 2014
Sunday, 12 January 2014
I should probably be revising chemistry. Oh well anyway goodbye unless I think of something interesting to put here.
Friday, 10 January 2014
It's interesting that Ann's younger sister is taller than her. I suppose this is another case of "Pei Hui" syndrome.
Not quite sure who will join astronomy, but as long as they're good learners and don't cause too much trouble it probably doesn't matter. And now me have 2 separate biology modules. One is advanced cell biology and the other one is evolutionary biology. Which uses Cornell notes. And Cornel is a type of ceramic maker thingy company. The spelling is different. I guess it probably makes revision easier.
It's only the 2nd week of the new year, so homework hasn't really accumulated yet.However I do have economics, chinese, math and some other stuff due on Monday, which isn't a very good thing. I'll just have to stop using the computer too much. And use my phone instead. Ok that sounded a bit silly. Nevermind.
And everyone says that they year 1s tuck in their shirt. They don't. Funny. But I'm alright with being the only person that does that. Now I understand I do like staring down everyone else and I have no idea why. It seems a bit weird. Actually I think I just want people to talk more to me. But then and again most of the time whenever me and my classmates communicate it's often with a lot of insults as well. I seem to be getting tired of that. But it is a bit funny but there's this pain in my chest and it flares up whenever I laugh/cough. So I've been keeping a bit quiet lately. Not sure if anyone's noticed. What's with Sean and Bianca/Hannah anyway. It's not that I don't approve. But anyway I don't watch anime. Not quite sure why. Or maybe it's because I just googled the anime and I know the ending. Or I can extrapolate from what has happened in the 13th episode. Ah whatever why can't the British make their own animated stuff actually I'd still prefer Doctor Who. I might be suffering from a lack of coffee and a need for sleep. That should be a game.
Wednesday, 8 January 2014
At biomedical training right now. It's a little bit sleepy. Almost finished decorating the notice board. It looks cool. PE tomorrow. I hope the teacher is alright. Anyway I forgot what I'm supposed to put here. Unicorns are fluffy.
I actually forgot what I was going to put here. Bugger.
Monday, 6 January 2014
Everybody is either attacking or defending the student council on the confessions page. How interesting. Apparently there are quite a few people who think those in the student council are twats who want to have fun, and then there are those who are saying you can't expect everything of the student council, and there isn't really anyone suggesting any real improvements to orientation, which is what this debate is about. It would be much easier for everyone if orientation served to orientate the new students with the school and its workings, instead of having a slightly silly storyline, lame jokes, silly water games that acheive no real purpose other than getting everyone wet and walking around Singapore doing activities that are supposed to bring the class together even though a class party/outing probably does a better job and probably costs less as well.
CCA fair on Friday. Wonder who wants to join astronomy club. Funny thing is that it's got a lot of males and not too many females. At least not too many females that contribute substantially during competitions. Actually make that none. In fact, searching for women astronomers brings up only 140 results on Wikipedia, and the only one I actually remembered before doing the search was Caroline Herschel. I have Horrible Science to thank for that. There was also another woman astronomer who happened to be a monk and apparently died in a horrible way. I think her name was Hilda. I do suppose I should stop now. Bye.
Actually no. Module registration starts tomorrow. Oh wait I already wrote that. Oh well. Just reminding you. English, chemistry and math tomorrow. Whee. And I am required to redecorate the astronomy club notice board as well. And I'm with Pei Hui and Simrita for the economics project group thingymajig.
Sunday, 5 January 2014
Hi! My name is Joe! And I work in the butter factory! Actually I used to work there. I'm unemployed now. Stupid economy.
Anyway it seems many people want to join astronomy club, from what my friends tell me. But then they don't like the late hours. Whatever.
Saturday, 4 January 2014
Get well soon Shumacher.
So anyway last year I went to Thailand. It was rather interesting. They had cashew nut factories and bees and the beaches were full of people but I didn't do any swimming so it didn't matter. Also, stargazing on the cruise ship was good. Unfortunately there's quite a lot of wind at night so it's hard to keep the binoculars steady. You'll need a tripod. The food on the cruise ship was alright. They had coffee and pancakes. And honey and marmalade. I like marmalade. It's cool. My room was quite small. The bathroom was even smaller so there wasn't a bath tub but at least there was hot water.
I have a really good idea for MRT train carriages. It involves a sloped floor and turnstiles. I still need to work on it. They'll probably never accept it though.
Thursday, 2 January 2014
Anyway during the holidays I mostly played computer games, but I also went overseas to Malaysia and from there I took a cruise to Thailand and back again. It was alright. There were elephants and beaches.