Saturday, 27 April 2013


So I didn't post yesterday because I got home late because of astronomy. We had a competition training session tomorrow, and they gave us pictures and asked us to identify them, and taught us a few more equations. I managed to take them down. CCA has already ended because of the exams, although there is a math assignment and chinese that I haven't done. I finished my physics assignment. Whee. I need to do some more revision on trigonometry.

There was a practical session yesterday and we could see Saturn and Jupiter and the Winter/Summer hexagon. And Crux.


  1. Not very good to have double "because" in your sentence.

    "We had a competition training session tomorrow,"... what? Yesterday!

    Good luck with the trigo. I mean, work hard yeah? Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Actually, more like respiration. :P

  2. You forgot the yellow moon supposedly made in China!
