Went to the library for volunteering work today. Had to find books on a list. Was a bit repetitive, but it wasn't too bad. Also borrowed some more books. There's one called "The Vacant Casualty". You don't get cookies if you guessed it's a parody. Sorry. Anyway yesterday I volunteered at the science centre. Was quite nice. The chicks were cute. I meant the exhibit with the eggs. Shut up. Class outing next Wednesday. Hope most of the class comes.
Stuff that goes on in school, and anything else I think of. (Chatboxes are for wimps. Please leave comments instead.) Have fun reading.
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Monday, 18 November 2013
Coffee machine is still making coffee. Good. Gah there's not much to put here. Relatives and friends visited today. Was alright. I also need to find a proper bookmark. I'm going to misplace that cappuccino receipt someday. Bloody heck why don't more shops sell bookmarks? Not everyone has stopped reading.
Results were fine. Did quite well. Signed up for OSAP to UWA. Can't go for CERN because it takes place during astrochallenge I think.
Kendrick went to CERN instead of astrochallenge, and we didn't do very well that time.
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
So today was ok. Jovan brought binoculars, so we could actually see what was going on on stage. The performance was alright. After that went to science centre for CIP. It was ok. Met some new people. I just didn't find out their names.
Astronomy overnight on Friday, assuming the weather is alright. If the sky is miraculously clear we might be able to see the Leonids. Rained alot today. Also bringing a water gun to school tomorrow. At least if there's a water fight. So you should probably not run towards me.
Also finished one of the books I borrowed. So that's 3 left.
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
I probably shouldn't be doing this during morning assembly. But noone cares. Borrowed another 4 books yesterday. Also played Alan Wake. It's an interesting game. I like it. They also installed cable TV in my house yesterday. Now I can watch National Geographic and stuff. Yay.
Not sure what we're doing today. House stuff, but only 3 people in our class are wearing house T-shirts. Screw this we'll just play surgeon simulator on the projector. Yeah!
Sunday, 10 November 2013
So the exams are over, and now everyday usually involves computer games and books. Which is a rather nice thing, because if I didn't have any books the only logical thing to do would be computer games. Which would get boring after a while.
Need to borrow more books tomorrow. Coffee machine is nice, but the capsules are a bit expensive. Oh well. Got a phone cover. I rather like it. Extremely British.
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
So script checking is tomorrow. At least I can say I did my best. I hope I don't do badly. Movie was nice. I rather liked the class outing.
Tuesday, 5 November 2013
Chinese "O" level exam tomorrow. Hope the questions aren't too difficult. And that's not even the bit that should have me worried, because there's higher chinese "O" level next year. Which is bad. Also having a class outing tomorrow. Borrowed 2 books today.
Whatsapp is mostly about random stuff. With the occasional Doctor Who references that most of my friends don't understand.
Monday, 4 November 2013
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U better b sorreh. I wuz getting bored. |
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ISN'T SHE ADORABLE?! I want those costumes. Although much bigger. Or I'll never be able to fit. Also, reading mystery stuff on my computer. It's nice. Unfortunately since school ended there hasn't been anything much of interest. Besides the fact that Anonymous threatened to hack some websites (which they ended up hacking). Also, some weird woman broke the Kinetic Rain sculpture thingymajig, which I find rather annoying. Seriously you have to be a magpie. Or a jackdaw. They're birds. DON'T QUESTION MY KNOWLEDGE.
I also want a LEGO Tardis. Not sure how that will work. Since LEGOs don't have the ability to bend space-time. Whatever. Why doesn't LEGO make Doctor Who sets? They really should. I'd buy them. A lot of people would buy them. It's been raining for the past few days. Coffee is nice. Need to get my angry birds plushies back the next time I go to school. If you find them in your locker please give them back to me. That also means I've forgotten to retrieve them for the rest of this year. And I probably would have forgotten my labcoat also. So give me back that too. Owls are so fluffy.
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Tuesday, 29 October 2013
I really don't want to do badly because I feel it'll be bad for Ms. Fong. D:
Anyway it's the math exam tomorrow and right now I am currently revising. I seem to be ok with the formulas and stuff. Or maybe I'm not. Oh well we'll see tomorrow. And after math we'll have physics, then my exams will be over, then I'll just read books. Because it's been a while since I've read a thick one. OH YES AND THE DAY OF THE DOCTOR!
Flatbread has a weird texture. It's a bit of pizza and a bit of bread but it's also stretchy like cheese. And to quote Chong Wen, "It's funny how people refuse to eat food that's been on the floor and yet some of them still allow other people to put body parts in their mouth."
I probably must've said something about giving up your penis in exchange for a blowjob or something. No really, it was related to the discussion we were having. Although it probably wasn't very nice of me to talk that loud. You can ignore this bit if you want to. Actually just ignore this bit and we'll all pretend this isn't here.
Monday, 28 October 2013
Saturday, 26 October 2013
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
Reading days today and tomorrow. More time to revise. Anyways I'm wearing batter gear. Time to make some pancakes.
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
English and chinese exams were alright. However, I did accidentally include a paradox in one of my answers. Hope that isn't too bad. Anyway we still haven't quite decided on what the whole class is doing after the holidays. Most people are suggesting a chalet. I don't really know. However I suppose we could record ourselves playing computer games. That would be interesting. Had pasta for lunch today with friends. It was ok. Macarons are the tastiest things ever. It's a shame they're so expensive. $2 for something so small. I should probably learn the recipe, to stop bankrupting myself. Anyway, good luck to the people reading this who are having their exams. Hope you do well.
Thursday, 17 October 2013
Can't quite think of anything much to say right now. Looked around a bit. I wonder if my blog posts are a bit short? I don't know really. It's probably something to do with the font.
Sunday, 13 October 2013
Anyway nothing new today. Holiday on Tuesday. Whoopee.
Friday, 11 October 2013
So today we had the Faraday barbeque and we also had pizza. I didn't actually go to the barbeque since I felt the pizza tasted better. Had 3 slices. And a lot of soft drinks. They ordered 20 pizzas, which is quite a lot. We're learning volleyball for PE. It hurts my arms. Also had a rather interesting discussion about whether or not it is still rape if the person decides he/she (yes, men can be raped as well) consents to it halfway through. Halloween decorations are up in our class. Rather nice. Teachers are disturbed by the fact that I have to use a sword to turn on the projector.
Monday, 7 October 2013
Marine biology field trip was alright. Found the scenery quite nice. Took a lot of pictures. The boat had air conditioning too. Saw quite a lot of interesting stuff. The only problem was that I got home a bit late. Oh well. Anyway, it was quite fun, if you could ignore the mosquitos. Also, the night sky was quite good. Venus was bright.
Saturday, 5 October 2013
Damn that double kidney transplant took off about 5 years of my life. That was the most stressful thing ever. Anyway we are finally getting pizza next week. Hooray! Also, sky was extremely good tonight. Took some good photos of M6 and M7.
Thursday, 3 October 2013
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Yes u did. |
Also, it rained quite heavily when I was going home today. Shoes are wet. Bag is wet. Nothing a hairdryer can't fix though. As long as it doesn't catch on fire.
Oh majestic and glorious jacket, I would be so helpless without you. You're my only protection from the elements.
Also, classmate brought an electric guitar to school today. Unfortunately couldn't plug it into the wall socket. Didn't have the adapter. Dammit it would have been fun.
Tuesday, 1 October 2013
Marine biology presentations today. Wonder how it'll be like. There is also a biology quiz tomorrow, which is apparently difficult. Better start revising.
WITH TEACHERS LIKE MS. FONG, WHO NEEDS REVISING? Ok, that might just be the best last words ever.
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And here we have possibly the best video of a person sleeping. Ever. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIud6vmE9mk&feature=c4-overview&list=UU8giP9uQROI3Xl85y9uY8xg
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I am rather annoyed I didn't get much marks for my marine biology poster. I spent quite a lot of time on that thing. Or maybe the teacher forgot to open it up. It's bigger on the inside.
I've always wondered how they found the residual volume of the lungs.
So right now we're having english debate. Had a mix up about the venues. English teacher spent about 10 minutes scolding us for that. The motion right now is schools should have more discipline or something like that. Opposition speaker right now has stopped. Probably thinking of something to say. This will take a while.
He's rebutting the proposition now. And he just finished. Second proposition speaker is on now. And he just finished. Sorry I can't quite write down what they're saying.
Second opposition speaker is on now. He gave an example like most schools have rules just to maintain their reputation. And also some students misbehave due to bad families and not poor school rules. And he just ended.
Third proposition speaker is on now. He's summarising the points. And he just finished. Third opposition speaker is on now. He's having a bit of difficulty finding points apparently. Oh well. He's back on now. Giving examples. Discipline is a consequence of a student's behaviour. Everyone is responsible for their own actions. He's trying quite hard. Although everyone is laughing. And he just finished.
Nothing much happened yesterday of interest. Or I can't think of anything now.
Not much happened yesterday.
Sunday, 29 September 2013
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Went to a restaurant yesterday. The food there was nice. Had a cappuccino. Also had some potato pancake thingy with salmon on top and some root beer and a lot of other tasty stuff. The restaurant's called Marche if you want to visit.
And I'm doing my chinese homework. Javier just asked me to do some debate stuff. I'll do that later.
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
We're having the marine biology presentation right now. Ours was horrible, mostly due to the fact that the english was horrible and I did not have the chance to edit it before it was too late. The other groups appear to be doing better. Seriously maybe we should have done ours on the thresher shark. That thing is awesome. As is just about every other shark. I like sharks. They're adorable. This is so not making any sense at all. Anyway it's my birthday tomorrow. Yay. Glen already sent me birthday presents. They're quite nice and fluffy. Thanks.
Monday, 23 September 2013
Also, it appears Yi Jun has lost his wallet. It's black with orange words on it. No, I haven't stolen it, if you find it please return it to him. Unless you're a horrible person. Then give it to Jeff. He'll know what to do. Marine biology presentation tomorrow. Javier only just sent the slides. Hope it goes well. Like my new phone. The bottom bar can give out any colour.
Sunday, 22 September 2013
The chinese thingy was quite confusing. I didn't really get it. Then and again, noone did. Something to to with being stuck at home and doing nothing, which makes you go mad. At least it wasn't boring.
Saturday, 21 September 2013
So today we went for the marine biology trip. It was quite nice. You could see a lot of fishes. Took a lot of photos.
Anyway astronomy yesterday was quite nice. Managed to find M7 by myself :) The moon was quite bright. Although a lot of people went to colour fusion 2. Apparently it was quite nice. I didn't go.
Thursday, 19 September 2013
Oh yes anyway I've been playing Burnout Paradise. Quite a good game. I've always liked cars. The Hyperion and 2400 GT are hoots to drive. Aggression class cars handle really badly, but the only thing that ever stops them is a wall. Stunt cars a in between speed and aggression. They're all rounded. Speed cars are very fast and handle extremely well, unfortunately it appears that touching a car will instantly wreck them. But it's a fun game. You can explore stuff and drive really fast.
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Monday, 16 September 2013
Sunday, 15 September 2013
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
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It r hovershark 5. I r coming in hot, requesting permishun to land. |
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It r hovershark 5, I have landed safely. |
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Thursday, 5 September 2013
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Tuesday, 3 September 2013
There's quite a lot to do over the holidays. There is also an important astronomy club meeting tomorrow. We do not appear to be in trouble, however I am slightly apprehensive. Unless it happens to be along the lines of "OH MY GOD WE JUST GOT LOTS OF FUNDING I KNOW WHAT TO DO LET'S BUILD A RADIO TELESCOPE! OR WE CAN PUT THE SEM BACK IN ITS ROOM!"
Monday, 2 September 2013
I got $30 in Popular vouchers. Not sure what to spend them on. Maybe a book of some sort. Or I could buy myself something else nifty.
So apparently all the ever do at SDYC is sing and dance and debate and it appears to be a very weird place. I could go there. Unfortunately I can't because I forgot the reason why. That didn't make any sense did it? Raining rather heavily now. Holidays are approaching. I'd better use them wisely. Not sure what to do. Drink coffee I suppose.
Saturday, 31 August 2013
31/8/13 (Oh hey look a palindrome! (If you ignore the slashes))
Pixel Kingdom is such a fun game. Whee I like the blockyness or the pixellyness of it.
Spelling bee is on Monday. Just looking through the dictionary for some last minute revision. Probably shouldn't be worrying about that. Spelling actually isn't that difficult if you read a lot of stuff. Representing my class. Would have gotten in last year but a classmate beat me to it. And ended up being unable to spell "coup". Seriously listen to the BBC people. You'll learn fast.
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
Because 1250 is TOTALLY a 2 significant figures number. Haha. (If you can see the image. If you can't, go buy some spectacles and come back when you're done.)
On a lighter note, we will get back our Da Vinci quiz tomorrow. I wonder what Mr. Yuen thought of 'Newton's 1st law'.
Monday, 26 August 2013
Year 1s and 2s had their house meetings today. Probably nothing interesting happened. Chemistry test on Thursday. Should start revising. Need to write a lot more when answering questions apparently.
So besides that I changed phones. My old phone isn't holding itself together anymore. Oh well. Been with me for around 4 years. Time to let it go I suppose. Although now all my songs are on my iPod nano only. And my new phone doesn't have 3G. Parents won't let me have that, so I can only use it at home and in school. Although messaging people is a lot easier.
Saturday, 24 August 2013
After the marine biology field trip I went to Orchard and had a nice lunch and went looking for stuff in Kinokuniya. Quite nice. Unfortunately I want to buy the 50th Anniversary Dr. Who books but I didn't have the money. I also wanted the Dalek handbook. It shows you how to ride them. Probably should have taken some free moon cake samples along the way but I forgot. Darn. I like the ones with lotus paste inside them. Preferably without the salted egg but I can deal with that.
Thursday, 22 August 2013
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
Da Vinci today. Went rather fine, was released early. Had the awesomest ACE lesson ever. Want to decline sex? Here's how:
Step 2: I really love you, but can we do this after we're married?
Step 3: No. Just no.
Laughed a lot.
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Doing physics E-Learning now. Finished the chemistry and english ones earlier. Actually I'm reading cracked.com OHMYGODWHATHAVETHEYDONETOTHEPAGELOOKATALLTHOSECUDDLYANIMALSSQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Besides that, still doing physics E-Learning.
Saturday, 17 August 2013
School holiday on Monday and there is E learning on Tuesday, which is rather nice.
Thursday, 15 August 2013
As we all know, Mavis has a vagina on her head. Don't ask me why. Just don't.
"Good morning people, we are gathered here today for the unveiling of Long Shen Corporation's new line of products! So without any further ado, let's introduce them!" M quickly got off the stage, while her head announced "VAGINA MALFUNCTION VAGINA MALFUNCTION PLEASE GET IT REPLACED NOW!" while several penguins waddled on. They looked really uncomfortable. And when I said "they" I meant M and the penguins. Ooh, we should make that a TV show!
You would too, given the circumstances.
"As we all know, we love penguins. Especially Wui Seng (who was at this moment pretty much spazzing out and saying things like "GOSH THEY'RE SO FLUFFY CAN I HUG THEM?"). They're extremely good swimmers, have streamlined bodies and So, these penguins have been equipped with high efficiency mass propulsion units (otherwise known as "We shoved rockets up their arses just for the heck of it") to enable them to cover great distances with minimal effort. But what's the point of all this if all our penguins do is just shoot off everywhere? To make them several times more usefuller, we've also shoved several tonnes of explosives down them the other way, complete with matter compression technology that may or may not be 100% reliable. Rest assured, if there is a-VAGINA MALFUNCTION thank you very much M we will be collecting all the insurance. Because we own your insurance companies, remember?"
Please look up Long Shen rule number 6: Sex is paramount.
"But what is the whole point of this if you don't know if our penguins work? After all, if we sold you a penguin with a-VAGINA MALFUNCTION thank you again M you'd never hear the end of it. So we shall now test out new product on Potato Land, Sea and Air!"
Because what kind of country only owns the land anyway? It needs airspace and seaspace or whatever you call the damn thing.
"YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" Mr. Potato shouted (Hang on a minute he went flying out of the window last time, didn't he?). "CRASH!" Mr. Potato was sent flying out of the window again. "AND NOW WE SHALL LAUNCH THE PENGUINS! COWER IN FEAR AT OUR LATEST WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION-VAGINA MALFUNCTION! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ok just launch the damn things already."
A penguin gave a small squeak. And they all looked up as the roof of the building opened up, and suddenly the penguins were all sent flying upwards with rainbow trails streaming out of their behinds.
If Rainbow Dash was black and white and had flippers, I suppose that would be a good description for this moment.
"Now, if you would kindly switch to our satellite which is in orbit over Potato Land, Sea and Air, you will see the effects soon."
And suddenly a huge- VAGINA MALFUNCTION ok M you really need to shut that thing up anyway a really huge mushroom cloud appeared. And Potato Land, Sea and Air was no more. Everyone clapped. Except for Mr. Potato who had been thrown out of the window.
THE END. (For now at least. Or until I think of something else.)
Wednesday, 14 August 2013
Oh you want to have sex? Fine, but first, let me tell you all the things I never told anyone else.
Besides that, we had Da Vinci today. Not sure what topic I should do on (I'm inclined towards the "surprise me" option). Mr. Yuen is amazingly terrifically awesomely (insert a lot of adjectives here) funny. He released us early. Whee. Blitzars and the difference between a nova and a supernova.
So I was thinking maybe you could have this place that was completely white. But the terrain features would still be there, and you'd have a special pencil you could use to colour everything and find interesting stuff that would let you make even more awesome pencils and colour more things and stuff. And then there'd be eraser rain. Damn.
Chemistry quiz tomorrow. About intermolecular forces. I haven't done any proper revision but whatever. There is also biology makeup tomorrow since we're missing 2 hours next week due to Lim Jeck Day. But whatever. Economics tomorrow. It's actually rather boring. Should have taken geography. A bit too late for that, so I guess I'll just go through it and stuff.
Bees. I don't know why. But I was thinking about something. Oh yes. Yuendibuzz. Ring a bell? Or Charyuender, for that matter. We should give Mr. Yuen a surprise for teachers' day.
Javier wants to spank me nude. I think he might be suffering from something. I don't know what. I don't want to be given a nude spanking either. If your face has been distorted to a large extent, congratulations, you are probably not in our class. Sean keeps swearing. Chong Wen just goes on 9gag and looks around his twisty puzzles thingymajigs and stuff. Maybe it's time for another one of those "People in my class" editions? I only do those once per year, but I might expand it to encompass a larger group of people. DON'T YOU DARE THINK ABOUT SUBSETS A**HOLE. I JUST SAW THAT THOUGHT GO THROUGH YOUR MIND. DON'T YOU DARE F***ING DENY IT.
Don't worry that's perfectly normal. Unfortunately since I've washed my jacket people can now smell me. Ew. Although it's not that bad. Have you watched Klaus the forklift driver? It's funny in a weird way. Mostly because Germans aren't funny at all.
Tuesday, 13 August 2013
Cold saunas. Yes, you read that right. Because if you've ever seen a phase diagram you know cold steam can exist.
Unfortunately since the only way cold (I'm taking less than or equal to 0 degrees Celsius) steam can exist is at pressures below 10 millibars, you'd probably never get to see it. Mostly because your eyeballs would have forced their way out of their sockets, as would everything else in your body. And then proceeded to explode all over the place.
And as you all know, next Monday is a school holiday. At least for us in NUSH. Mostly because Lim Jeck won a lot of medals. Although I;'m not sure what they'll do next year, since he graduates at the end of this year. They'll probably find someone else. Hopefully they do.
Had a math test today. Was rather easy. Found some colour pencils. Jeff can't count. Biology quiz is not tomorrow, as I had somehow thought it was due to some weird stuff that goes on in my brain. Oh well. Da Vinci tomorrow and they want us to bring computers. Fine. And also, astronomy overnight on Friday. Staring at Zhi Xin will kill you. Staring at Mavis will make you laugh.
Staring at me will make you wonder why I'm so ugly.
Monday, 12 August 2013
Otherwise known as rummaging through my brain and putting everything I find here
If a tree fell over in a forest and noone noticed it, did it fall over? Was there even a tree in the first place?
I guess it depends. I mean since I've already stated that there is a tree, it therefore exists. Despite the fact that everyone else doesn't know it's there, since I know it's there it does exist. Of course if you take me out of the picture you could say the tree never existed (until 1 day you came across it while hiking, then made your own conclusions, which would prove the existence of the tree and it falling over). Although in the real world most trees fall over because someone amputated the roots (mostly in an illegal operation), and it's rather rare that you get a tree falling over on its own (since trees do possess a certain amount of "intelligence" to not grow on loose soil, etc. But you can't really blame one for growing on the soil of an active volcano.)
Alternatively, just stop highlighting everything to look for statements like these.
So it appears that Sports Day is fast approaching (despite most, if not all of the events involving the fast and seamless alternation of opposing feet on the ground in the hopes of attaining a trophy). There was a practice session today. Since I don't really have much of an interest in these things I'm not participating. There are also chinese and math tests tomorrow. Which is rather annoying. Well, I guess my math is ok. Same can't be said for my chinese. And in other news the Norwegian prime minister tried being a taxi driver. Which sounds rather fun. Mostly because you say a lot of stuff you don't tell others in taxis. And also because our principal should try that sometime. And somehow moving on to the subject of our one and only discipline master which is unfortunately unavailable and all the replacements are rather crappy, noone really knows what has happened.
Is that too long for you? Nevermind I can always write some more.
I'm a kitten. Hear me roar. Speaking of roaring Katy Perry has a new song. It sounds rather nice. And rather undepressing which is also rather nice. Or spiffing. Depends. Besides that there is also the fact that our mentor came back today (I'm not sure for how long, but Sean wishes he'd never come). I don't know why. He was supposed to be on a senior teacher training course. School confessions page has been getting rather interesting. Besides the fact that people keep on threatening suicide. Which isn't nice. (Why do I keep using "nice"?)
I really have too much stuff in my mind.
So onto the subject of the Ace Combat series of games. Basically most people thought Assault Horizon sucked, probably because your planes healed automatically and also because dogfight mode made killing the enemy rather easy.
Unfortunately that's still not the end of this post.
So now that we're all eagerly waiting for the 23rd of November there are also some things that I forgot to mention earlier on. First of all is that basically every girl in our class is really high. And when I say high I mean really crazy and possibly suffering from withdrawal symptoms from whatever they've been taking. Which I suspect to be the company of each other. Speaking of company, a friend of mine told me that if you put a lot of women together their menstrual cycles will all synchronise. Also, we threw out Mr. Potato. He'd spent too long in his bath and he'd started to disassociate into the water. In other news, Chong Wen found an iPad. The only problem is right now it's hanging and showing a picture of a block of wood. And also, there is the slight problem of english tomorrow which will have us introducing our commercials to everyone else.
"Dear Mr. Selva, Ms. Bay, ladies and gentlemen and for those of you who haven't undergone puberty, boys and girls, and for those of you who don't belong to the above categories, please get back to your planet, today we are going to etc etc etc."
I suppose that's it for now. I hope.
Friday, 9 August 2013
Went to Marks and Spencers today. Bought some snacks. Jaffa cakes are so nice. Haven't tried the sour cream and chives potato chips though, but I suppose they're great too.
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
Monday, 5 August 2013
K THX BYE <--Has anyone realized that this is not wui seng but someone else
Sunday, 4 August 2013
Saturday, 3 August 2013
1. Build the interior of the TARDIS somewhere in school.
2. Get 4 people to play Faraday, Nobel, Fleming and Fibonacci.
3. Find someone to play the Doctor. Preferably someone nuts.
4. Build the TARDIS exterior.
5. Make a script (I have a general idea)
6. Best Orientation ever. (At least until the sequel comes out)
Friday, 2 August 2013
And now everyone is substituting "yuen" into every term they can find. I'm eagerly awaiting The Ayuengers, X-Yuen and Captain Ayuenica.
And besides that, everyone has complained about the physics online assignment, which everyone has found to be rather difficult. Getting late now. There's an economics field trip tomorrow. AND THEY WILL REVEAL THE 12th DOCTOR ON SUNDAY ONFG YES XD ASDFGHJKL.
Thursday, 1 August 2013
Jia Cheng said he's going to teach me how to fly his plane. I hope I don't kill someone.
I also borrowed a book on philosophical problems today. It's really quite interesting. Such as this one that asks, "Is snow white?" Hmmm. Depends on your type of snow. Don't eat the golden variety.
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
The truth is I'm more inclined towards staying in Singapore, mostly because I really don't know what is going to make me help those kids, and also because I'm much more at ease in competitions. And anyway, we're all going to be doing our school proud, so I suppose there really isn't much of a difference. At least I have 1 month to decide.
Sunday, 28 July 2013
Finished half of my Da Vinci commentary. It's not too difficult if you understand the article.
Thursday, 25 July 2013
Apparently the reason they banned us from using chemical reactions for our projectile launcher is because the last time someone did that, the projectile launcher ended up in Nan Hua High. Yep.
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
Oh god what?! Ah nevermind but that is going to be the one book I'll ever be writing in for a long time if I ever have it. Or maybe I could make one myself. YES I WILL MAKE ONE MYSELF AND FINISH IT ON MY BIRTHDAY AND IT WILL BE THE BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVER!
I am so ihgh right now.
Monday, 22 July 2013
And in other news, the wife of our math teacher has given birth. Congratulations Mrs. Ku.
Saturday, 20 July 2013
Also, Da Vinci review thingymajig has started. I put physics as my first choice. The article is readable actually. I understand what they're saying, not the equations and the constants. But then there's always google. Astronomy ended early yesterday. So I got home early and slept a bit more, which was ok. Probably should go to sleep now.
Friday, 19 July 2013
Went and test run the launcher today. The ball kept on shooting to the right, so I changed how I released it and it works fine now. Which is a good thing. Anyway we have another one of those marine biology trips tomorrow to Sungei Buloh. Wonder what we'll see there. Hope I don't get distracted by the birds.
Had a physics practical today. Screwed it up by giving the average reading instead of the time difference. We still managed to finish it though. Quite a few projects they gave us this week. There's economics, chinese and chemistry (which was last week but whatever).
Thursday, 18 July 2013
A Long story based on Physics Projects
Really? Seriously? I let you post as me and this is the stuff you come up with? (No, shut up, no sick thoughts.)
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
Saturday, 13 July 2013
Doing physics assignment right now. It's ok.
Thursday, 11 July 2013
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
Some very good news
All rights reserved, while stocks last, batteries sold separately. Please do not use this clip to learn German.
OMFG KAREN GILLAN (Amy) WAS IN THAT EPISODE. And then the Doctor will always end up dying, but don't worry he regenerates and is back to saving the entire universe.
He occasionally does that with a water gun. Although most of the time he uses his sonic screwdriver, which has been proven to work.
So I'm probably finished with Doctor Who. Now to this show called The Thin Blue Line. It's not drama. It's got Rowan Atkinson in it how the hell could it be a drama? Basically it's just really funny. OH NOW I'M THE ONLY ONE LAUGHING?
Truth to be told I think it's just an iPod nano mega. Whee.
So today Sean has managed to animate the first part of the stories. Well, not exactly, he just put subtitles in a video of Hitler ranting. But it's a start. Not to mention it's hilarious. Expect to see it sometime soon. Unless Javier doesn't allow it.
Did my economics mindmap. It's rather compact. Chemistry tomorrow.
So anyway when we last left off I promised to focus on the penguins. So here they are.
So right now Yi Jun was building another superweapon (not another one of his ties, thank god for that), and June had a plan to stop him, which had originally been proposed by Wui Seng (who wanted all the credit but because life hates him he never got any). So they would assault Yi Jun's top secret base in Berlin with explosive penguins, which would be shot out of Sean's robot's cannon penis. Because we wanted to bring that back too. Sorry about the resulting nightmares.
The only problem was that Seam had to rebuild his robot, which was taking quite some time, and since penguins are hardly hardliners it is rather hard to convince them to wear explosives, so June had to shove the explosives down their throat, which caused Wui Seng much distress. (I really wonder how he deals with it)
So the plan went horribly wrong again (it always has to, otherwise I'll never have anything to write about). The penguins suffered premature detonations, and blew everyone up. Not to mention the fact that Berlin doesn't have any penguins. That didn't make any sense. Ah whatever this is seriously lousy.
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
Friday, 5 July 2013
HI WUI SENG AND JAVIER (If he still posts) GUESS WHO? (the fish are awesome)------------->
Anyway it seems many people in school like to watch Ray William Johnson's =3 show (Many people means Yi Jun, Sean, Chong Wen, Keene, Pei Hui, Luck Wei (if I did not imagine him there), and me.)
It's really funny, but now he's got this new system of 1 review and 5 episodes a week. I think this style of video is not as good as 1 per week, 3 reviews... Ah well.
That's all the time I have, thanks everyone for letting me post this, it was a great experience. Couldn't have done it without the (adjective) Wui Seng, the (adjective) Javier, and last but not least, the (adjective) (name).
I'll see you all soon!
No, there must be a unique ending... KTHXBYE is taken... Umm... Hmm...
(obligatory unique ending style)
Thursday, 4 July 2013
Anyway I finished the 1st chapter, so if you are fine with it you could read it.
We have CCA tomorrow. Hopefully it doesn't rain, I need to use a telescope. Haven't done that in a while. Probably will be a bit more relaxed. We've won all the competitions we could win. English reading portfolio is due tomorrow, but it's alright, I finished it already.
Oh yes, I'll be bringing my hat to school tomorrow. I just hope I don't give it away.
Wednesday, 3 July 2013
I think I have my wattpad stuff sorted out. Now I just need to finish the first chapter and then publish it and then work on the second chapter and hope everyone finds it alright.
Dad bought a new phone. It's a LG Optimus. It's big. I don't have a picture. Just google it. Chemistry tomorrow.
Monday, 1 July 2013
So I was reading this story that a friend of mine wrote. That banging noise you may hear is me hitting my head out of slight embarrassment and the feeling you get when you see yourself mentioned in a story.
Saturday, 29 June 2013
Probably should pack my school bag tomorrow.
Trying to think of someting, but there's only the DW theme tune.
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
The girls were talking about all kinds of random stuff and we were discussing Taylor Swift and whether she has a quota for boyfriends and then they started saying my voice was unique and stuff and I was like "...". Whee but it was fun and stuff.
Monday, 24 June 2013
So tomorrow I'll be going to a friend's house to do the physics project. And we still don't have a squash ball, and I'm not exactly sure of our progress. I really hope Chong Wen is working on the Reading Portfolio.
The weather has been really hot lately.I'm sweating now. At least the haze is subsiding. Although I missed the worst as I was in Malaysia.
Monday, 17 June 2013
On a side note, it appears just about every farmer in Indonesia has decided it is a good day to clear some more land. It is actually quite bad.
I celebrated Father's Day by accidentally releasing the handbrake and nearly running him over. Whoops.
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
I've been busy for the past few days doing the english project. We managed to get quite a bit done. I hope. Although Javier says I am a very bad camera man and that I suck at being sad. And my family went shopping on Sunday and I got a new pair of shoes :D
THEY'RE SUCH A NICE BLUE COLOUR XD AND THEY'RE SO CUSHY! They cost $87. Which is alright I guess. There were some pairs that cost 2x as much.
Saturday, 8 June 2013
Which is why next year we shall make it our goal to beat them. And make sure they come in 3rd. Hopefully not via black magic. That's our last resort.
Thursday, 6 June 2013
Alan Wake is a fun game. It's a bit dark.
First week of the holidays is almost over. I actually can't think of anything much to say because I really can't think of anything right now. Oh yes during dinner someone started a conversation about forensic pathologists and then we learnt a little bit about how to kill someone. Whaddaya mean, "learnt" ain't a word?
Wednesday, 5 June 2013
And before you think of anything Glen, SHUT UP ABOUT DOING QA ON THE TROPHIES. RAWR.
Jia Cheng came over to my house today. We played some computer games and the Xbox
A to-do list for the holidays:
1. Do everything that needs to be done.
2. Win all the competitions!
3. Play some computer games.
4. Read some books.
5. Ponder about the mysteries of life and why mine is so boring.
6.Find some way to make it not boring.
7. Fail.
8. Go back to school.
9. Punch someone in the face.
Oh yes I'll be going back to Malaysia for some time.
Monday, 3 June 2013
Sunday, 2 June 2013
Why are there so many things I have to go for next week?! Then and again not as if I can do much at home either.
Saturday, 1 June 2013
Got 1st for the astronomy competition :D Even with 5 people out of an expected 8. Although the project round was retarded.
Thursday, 30 May 2013
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
I'm probably going to go through the 5 books I borrowed by Friday. This is not good. Unfortunately there aren't many thick books I can find right now. Unless I find Inferno in the library. Which is highly unlikely.
Today we went to the CPIB headquarters. It was rather interesting, but there wasn't much to see. But the had a real typewriter that still worked even though it was an exhibit. And then we had SJChO practice today. I think my team has gotten faster.
My life has gotten a bit boring. I need to spice it up a bit I think. (At which point I suddenly expect Chong Wen to appear and tell me to shove chillies up my a-OH GOD WHY)
Monday, 27 May 2013
On a side note, they had Games Day today. I didn't go because I had other stuff like the Physics Education Seminar thingymajig rehearsal. I'm an usher. Whee. Hope I don't screw up.
She was like, "I LOVE AEROSMITH! (SPAZZES)" and other stuff like poking people with her marker.
Amazingly she didn't seem to get angry. So anyway we just debated about random topics and stuff like there are people in a hot air balloon and you have to throw someone out of it to save the rest so what would you do. Other than that we didn't really learn anything much.
Then afterwards we had this astronomy meeting about the astrochallenge project. Mr. Yuen gave a few good suggestions. Like a hyperkinetic probe to determine the composition of Pluto.
Swedish crime fiction is rather blunt. They leave in all the vulgarities and stuff. And they have sex scenes. Unfortunately I have no idea what other type of books I should read, mostly because the rest are really boring.
Sunday, 26 May 2013
Note that that is not "One S***" by Lee Child. Just saying. Also note that most of the books are from Norwegians.
I should probably teach myself Swedish. But then it's so difficult to read.
Thursday, 23 May 2013
Tuesday, 21 May 2013
So at the end of the last story (what happened at the end of the last story? I forgot. Hang on let me check the blog...I'm back. Did I miss anything? I guess not) Wui Seng teleported a lot of penguins back to Antartica. And he's supposed to be laughing in his secret lair but Wui Seng doesn't have a secret lair (I checked) but anyway we'll just focus on the penguins. So June nuked Antarctica and then (did Yi Jun put his tie back on last time? Let me go check again...AH F*** THIS WHO CARES I'M F***ING GOING TO BED GOOD F***ING NIGHT EVERYBODY I STILL LOVE YOU DON'T CRY)